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Find Time Management Tools, Educational Resources, and Community for Homeschooling Moms in All Seasons of Life

Homeschool Planner

Homemaking is a full-time job, and so is running a homeschool. You need a planner that helps you do both — time-tested and approved by thousands of homeschooling moms like you.

Large Family Homeschool Planner

Keep home and school organized for you and up to 6 kids with our expanded homeschool planner! Find plenty of weekly space for planning lessons, extracurricular activities, appointments, and more.

Busy Mom Planner

Today’s gals are juggling busy schedules and long to-do lists. You need a planner that helps you manage the day — keep track of it all without letting things slip through the cracks.

Planner Accessories

Who says being organized has to be dull?
The Well Planned Gal stash of accessories is like office supply store heaven for the busy homeschooling mom on the go.

Peel and Plan Stickers

Turn Practically Any Surface Into Your Own Personal Planning Platform

With Peel & Plan’s Family & Children charts, you can help your children grow in responsibility and autonomy as they manage their own chores, routines, and schedules. You can even choose a chart that keeps the whole family on the same page. Meanwhile, set a solid example for your children by keeping yourself on track as well with our Planning & Organization line!

Do you need teaching aids that are readily available, safe for the walls, but also easily removeable? Our Homeschool Classroom line has you covered! And with our Health & Wellness line, you can stay on track of everything from meal planning or workout routines to medication schedules.

Planner Personality Quiz

A one-of-a-kind free quiz to help you understand your strengths and challenges when it comes to planning for home, school, and more. This free test takes less than 5 minutes to complete and includes detailed and thorough results that help you learn the best ways to incorporate planning and organization into your unique lifestyle.

Organize Your Homeschool with 3 Simple Steps

Learn how to organize your school year from start to finish with these three simple steps! You’ll explore how to prepare for your school year by setting goals and creating benchmarks. Next you will discover the tricks to planning out each day to make sure you stay on track. Finally, see how regular evaluation helps you reach the finish line well. Set yourself up for success with this free e-book!