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Well Planned Gal Partners

When it comes to connecting with homeschool families, Well Planned Gal is the trusted partner of choice. When you advertise with Well Planned Gal, you are associating yourself with one of the most trusted brands in homeschooling, lending instant credibility to your company and services. We treasure our advertising partnerships and strive to help each company achieve their individual goals by connecting with the rapidly growing homeschool community. Contact your sales representative to find out how we can help you successfully reach homeschoolers!


Zondervan is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. For more than 80 years, Zondervan has delivered Christian experiences through its resources and digital products.

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LifeWay Christian Resources is one of the world’s largest providers of Christian products and services, including Bibles, Bible studies, research, church music and supplies, and digital services.

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Alpha Omega Publication

With online, print and computer based homeschooling curriculum formats, Alpha Omega Publications has the right Christian homeschool curriculum for you and your family.

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Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is dedicated to changing people’s lives through the power of language and literacy education. The company’s innovative, personalized language and reading programs drive positive learning outcomes.

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University of Alabama

The University of Alabama is a student-centered research university and an academic community united in its commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all Alabamians.

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BJU Press

BJU Press is committed to Christian education. We support Christian educators by producing textbooks and materials that shape a biblical worldview, are academically rigorous, encourage critical thinking, and are supported with technology solutions.

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Abeka Book

Over four decades ago, Dr. Arlin Horton and his wife, Beka, started A Beka Book with the goal of providing high-quality traditional educational materials that would give students a solid foundation for excellence in academics and success in life.

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Demme Learning

Demme Learning is an independent family-owned and operated publishing company. Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Demme Learning has been providing innovative learning solutions for homeschoolers, parents and small group learning environments since 1990.

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One Year Novel

The One Year Adventure Novel writing curriculum guides students (grades 8–12) step by step through the process of writing a compelling, fully structured novel in one school year.

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Tyndale House is a publisher founded in 1962 by Kenneth N. Taylor. Taylor named the company after William Tyndale, whose English translation of the New Testament was first printed in 1526.

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Apologia publishes books and curriculum that are written by a wide variety of authors. We offer creation-based science curriculum for K-12, worldview curriculum, and practical books about homeschooling.

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Time4Learning is a convenient, online homeschool curriculum that combines education with interactive fun. Animated lessons, interactive activities, printable worksheets and detailed reporting make the learning system a top selection year after year.

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Regent University

Regent University is one of the nation’s leading academic centers for Christian thought and action, with associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees available worldwide.

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Stanford University

Stanford University is one of the world’s leading teaching and research universities. Since its opening in 1891, Stanford has been dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and to preparing students for leadership in a complex world.

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Moody Publications

The vision of Moody Publishers is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and a biblical worldview in such creative and powerful ways that individuals worldwide will live in increasing measure as His fully-devoted followers.

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Bridgeway Academy

Our flexible and customized homeschool programs help students thrive and allow them to learn in a way that best fits their strengths and needs. We help you find and unlock your child’s full potential through homeschooling.

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The Academy of Arts

Like the city it’s called home since 1929, Academy of Art University has always existed on the vanguard of innovation and creativity. The Academy and San Francisco have grown up together and served as mutual sources of inspiration and talent.

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EverBright Media

EverBright Media has assembled a leading team of historians and educators to develop groundbreaking series of products designed to make learning fun for children of all ages.

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19 Upstream
3P Learning
6 Suitcase Travel
A Beka Book
A Helping Hand
A+ TutorSoft
Academy of Art University
Accelerated Christian Education
Adaptive Curriculum
Age of Montessori
Alaska Bible College
ALEKS Corporation
All About Learning Press
Alpha Omega Publications
American College of the Building Arts
Analytical Grammar
Answers In Genesis
Apologia Educational Ministries
Appalachian Bible College
Baptist Bible College
Barbour Publishing Inc
Barclay College
Basic Christian Education
Beacon of Hope School
Beautiful Feet and Books Inc
Belhaven University
Berean Builders Publishing
BFH Handwriting
Big Ideas
Blue Manor Education
Bob Jones Press
Bob Jones University
Bookmasters Inc
Bower Family Books
Bridgeway Academy
Bright Ideas Press
Buckaroo Buckeye
Building Faith Families
Burton Reading
C W Publications
CadenaSmith Enterprises
Calvert Education Services
Camp Cedar Cliff
Caraway Conference Center & Camp
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Chadron State College
Champion Prep
Charleston Southern University
Cheri Blomquist
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Christian Care Ministry
Christian Cottage
Christian Keyboarding
Classical Academic Press
College at Southwestern
College of Biblical Studies
College Plus
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Color the Classics
Columbia International University
Compass Cinema
Connection Academy
Cornerstone Payment Systems
Creation Illustrated
Critical Thinking Company
Crosswired Science
Crown College
Crown Financial Ministries
CTC Math
American School
Deeper Roots Publications
Dick Morris
Discovery Institute
Dollar Homeschool
Dowling College
Draw and Write
Dunlop Ministries
East Tennessee State University
Entourage Yearbooks
Erskine College
Essential Skills Advantage
eTeacher Ltd.
Etiquette Factory
Faith Baptist Bible College
Faith Walk USA
Families in Faith
Family Hope Center
Family Mint
Figures in Motion
Finicity Corporation
Flowering Baby
Focus on the Family
Foundation for American Christian Education
Franklin Springs Media
Freedom Project Education
Frontier 2000 Mtg
Funshine Express
Geo Matters
God”s World News Publication
Goddard College
Godstruck Ministries
Good Steward Books
Gospel for Asia
Grace Hill Media
Grapevine Studies
Great Homeschool Conventions
Greathall Productions
Green Kid Crafts
Griggs Academy
Group Publishing
Growing Healthy Homes
Gulf Shores & Orange Beach
Harding University
Heart of Dakota
Heirloom Audio
Heritage History
Hewitt Research Foundation
High Point University
His Heart’s Collection
Home School Foundation
Homeschool Buyers Coop
Homeschool in the Woods
Homeschool Programming
Homeschool Spanish Academy
Homeschool Swap
Horn Creek Conference Grounds
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Houston Space Center
Mike Huckabee
Institute for Creation Research
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
International Linguistics
Isha Enterprises
JM Cremps
John Brown University
Johnson & Wales University
Judy Rogers Music
Kaplan Early Learning
Keepers of the Faith
Knowledge Quest
Lakeshore Learning
Lamp Post Homeschool Store
Lamplighter Publishing
Landry Academy
Learn Math Fast Books
Learning Aisle
Learning Ally
LGS Services
Liberty Alliance
Liberty University
Liberty University School of Music
Library & Educational Service
Life Groove
Life University
Lifesong Publishers
Lincoln Christian University
Little Passenger SeatsMaranatha Development Foundation
Math Mammoth
Math on the Level
Milligan College
Monkey Deez
Moody Bible Institute
Moody Publishers
Motherboard Books
Mott Media
Multnomah University
My Father”s World
Net Nanny
New Leaf Publishing Group
Nicolet Bible Institute
North Florida Christian
Notgrass Company
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Ohana Life Press
Ohio Christian University
One Year Novel
Outward Bound School
Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
Paula”s Bread
Pearson Education
Pensacola Christian College
Piano by PC
Pieces of the Promise
Piedmont International University
Point University
Positive Action
Prasso Ministries
Queen Homeschool Supplies
Rainbow Resource Center
Reclaim Restore
Red Wagon Tutorials
Redbird Advanced Learning
Regent University
Renew Carvings
Resurrection Resources
Right Stripe Media
Rochester College
Rocket Languages
Rod and Staff Books & More
Rosetta Stone
Safari LTD
San Diego Christian College
Sarah & David Interactive
Saxum Business Consulting
Schola Publications
See The Light Kids
ShatterPoint Entertainment
Shenandoah Springs
Shirley’s Prepackaged Crafts
Silver Age Music
Simon & Schuster
Soli Deo Gloria Resources
Sonlight Curriculum Ltd
Sonrise Stable
Southern Wesleyan University
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Spontuneous Games
Sterling College
Study Works
Super Charged Science
Tablet Class
Tale of Two Kingdoms
Tap My Trees
Teach Them Diligently
Tennessee Baptist Convention
The American Heritage Education Foundation
The Chess House
The Classical Historian
The Glenn Beck Program
The King’s College
The Kive Company
The Master’s College
The MoneyTree
The Real Reading
The Vintage Pearl
Time Stales
Titanic Museum
Toccoa Falls College
Transform Student Ministries
Triangle Education Assessments
Trinity Bible College
Trinity Lutheran College
Troy University
Tyndale House Publishers
Union University
University of North Georgia
Virginia Soaps
Veritas Press
Victorious Living Christian Center
Vocabulary Cartoons
Waldorf College
Washington University
WaterBrook Multnomah
We Choose Virtues
Welch College
Wesleyan College
William Peace University
Wreaths of Maine
Writing Strands
Yesterday’s Classics
Youth Digital
YWAM Publishing