One of the great joys of leading and partaking in a Bible study is the Aha! Moments. When you see your friend or child’s eyes light up, a face beam with joy, a forehead nod in hearty agreement—it’s hard not to celebrate! Yet sometimes our Bible studies can become predictable. Some participants don’t readily engage. We struggle to reach those who learn or grow in a different way that we do.
It’s this hunger to know and experience the depths of Jesus and Scripture that compelled me on an unusual adventure. I decided to take the Psalmist’s invitation to “Taste and see that the Lord is good” quite literally.
Over the course of the last year, I descended 410 feet down a salt mine to better understand what it means when Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth;” spent time with an Ivy League professor to bake matza in under 18 minutes to understand what it means when Jesus says, “I am the bread of life;” harvested olives in Croatia to better understand the Christ, the Anointed One; and spent time with one of the world’s experts on figs to better understand fruitfulness.
With each adventure, I’d ask, “How do you read these passages of the Bible, not as theologians, but in light of what you do every day?”
Their answers changed the way I read the Bible forever.
This journey has become the foundation for a book and Bible study, Taste & See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers (Zondervan). By examining salt, olive oil, fish, fruit, and meat in the Bible, the Scripture came alive with layers of rich meaning.
What I’ve seen is how engaging the senses for Bible study can be such a game changer. Whether someone is an auditory, tactile, visual, or verbal learner, reviewing lessons and developing creative ways to invite participants to experience God’s truth and love can be a game changer.
Here are 5 Quick Ways to Make Your Bible Study a Full Sensory Experience
1. Start with an experiential activity.
As you consider the lesson of the day, what’s a simple activity that spurs interaction and connectivity. Perhaps you invite participants to write their mood or favorite Scripture or dream on a balloon and talk about why they wrote those words. Or maybe you handout 3X5 cards and invite participants to make a list of what they love about Jesus or their families or their community the most. Or maybe you create an activity like planting spices or sharing a meaningful photo or making bouquets together. There are endless ways to tie your activity into the lesson.
2. Host a Taste Testing.
Few activities are more enjoyable that trying new foods or comparing different foods to each other. Perhaps you try a recipe from another part of the world or compare different types of figs. If you use toothpicks and napkins, you don’t need a lot of food to allow everyone to try a bite and talk about what they’re experiencing.
3. Play a meaningful song.
The power of music to transform, speak, reveal and unlock hearts cannot be underestimate. Playing a song and sharing lyrics or inviting participants to share the song that breathes life into their soul opens doors to being known and deeper conversations.
4. Plan an adventure.
The Bible was written in an agrarian context that opens up endless possibilities for learning from modern experts. If you’re studying the Promised Land, invite a beekeeper to your group. If you’re talking about sheep or sheep parables, plan a visit to a shepherd (if there’s one nearby). Invite a farmer to talk to the group about planting, harvesting, and seasons. Plan a lunch celebration at a local Mediterranean restaurant. All of these can help the Scripture come alive in a fresh way.
5. Create an artistic expression.
One of the most powerful ways to help participants express their deepest heart desires is through art. A few colored markers, paints, or clay can go a long way to adding a fresh way to craft a prayer, confess a sin, create words of affirmation.
Just sprinkling in a few of these creative elements throughout your Bible study will help your group grow deeper and more connected with each other and God.
Go on Your Own Culinary Adventure!

This 6-Week DVD Bible study invites participants on a culinary, travel adventure. And your children will love it!
on your copy of Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makers book and Bible study at
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