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A Humble Example


No matter how many times I read Philippians 2, I always pause where it speaks of Jesus: “And being found in human form, he humbled himself…” I find it interesting that God would choose to use humanity and humility in an opposing way. Meaning, by nature, we are not humble. Instead we default to pride. In Philippians 2:5-11, we see Jesus acknowledging this default, yet setting the example of following in humble obedience.

In fact, when we study the number of times pride and humility are mentioned in the Bible, we find that God places high value on humility and a high cost to pride. In my life, I have to be on guard against pride swelling in my thoughts and attitudes as well as my actions.

Recognizing Pride

When I came to know Christ, it took time in His Word to gain the sensitivity to recognize pride. I’m not talking about the pride you can feel in a successful homeschool day, the sense of accomplishment in cleaning those bathrooms, or that good feeling of serving up a delicious meal. But rather, those times when I struggle to apologize; that’s pride that displeases the Lord.

Pride, or rather the lack of humility, can fester in so many ways. In our culture today, it’s widely seen in those so-called innocent social posts. We want the world to think our world is perfect and happy. That’s a variety of pride. It also creeps in when we focus too long on how good we might be at something instead of how thankful we are to the One who allowed us to be.

Then there’s the pride of control. Yes, we women know about this variety. I strongly desire safety, provision, and assurance, and so often I find myself trying to control out of fear. The Lord has taken me to task on this issue many times.

Just as I think I’m getting older and humility is growing in more abundance than pride, the Lord takes me down another avenue in my heart where another variety of pride is found.

I’m thankful the Lord is so gracious and gentle as He leads us to be more like Him. Just as a therapeutic massage can be painfully healing, so too can those quiet moments when you begin to realize where your heart is not like Christ’s and an adjustment through repentance is needed. The promises of humility throughout Scripture are the joys of Christianity.

As we looked at Philippians 2 throughout the 2017 issues of Family Magazine, we explored how humility related to marriage, parenting, and even relating to others outside the homeschooling world through socialization. Topics like that – topics that make us stop and think and pray as we contemplate them in light of Scripture – toss around in my mind on a regular basis and are always at the heart of what I hunger to share with fellow homeschool moms.

My prayer is that each of us will take the time to sit with Jesus and take on a little more of His humility.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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