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A Christmas Miracle

ORGANIZED UNDER: Faith // Family

The holiday season is upon us! There is baking and cooking, shopping and wrapping, and getting together with friends and family. In the midst of all the extras, there is also the job of homeschooling.

Years ago, discovering I was pregnant with my fifth child, I began calculating the expected due date. I quickly realized it would be smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. Joseph was brought into this world on December 24th at exactly noon.

At that point in my homeschooling journey, I had a toddler, a preschooler, and 1st and 3rd graders. My hands were full with the day to day necessities, and adding holidays and a delivery would make Christmas of 2002 one to remember.

Hectic is putting it lightly. Being a much younger woman, I forged forward, making plans. When I went into labor at 2am on the 24th, a friend came over in the middle of the night and sat at my home waiting for the kids to wake. She informed them that I was out shopping for stocking stuffers. And what a stocking they would be getting this year!

At noon, Joseph was born and we had our own Christmas miracle. Having complications, he arrived into this world not breathing. I vividly remember overwhelming feelings of fear and the immediate action of begging God to let him live. Staring down at this lifeless blue body, the seconds seemed like hours.

Moments later, he let out a cry. It was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. Relief washed over me, and later I overheard the nurses talking amongst themselves about the extraordinary experience. Joseph’s body “pinked up” in a reverse order, leaving the impression of a miracle with these gals.

Wanting to be home for Christmas, we signed a stack of papers that allowed us to go home late that evening. My friend had put my kids in bed before we arrived home, and the next morning we tucked little Jo under the tree in a car seat carrier. As each child awoke and ascended the stairs, they turned the corner to discover a new brother.

As I reflect on that year, I stand in awe of God’s graciousness to my family. Somehow, we got our homeschooling done, our cookies baked, a little nesting handled in the house, and a new member welcomed into the family.

Regardless of what stage of mothering you are in, young or old, may this holiday season be full of grace and truth as we glorify God for the magnificent gift He has bestowed on all of us, His Son Jesus.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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