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Obstacles to Homeschooling

While obstacles can make homeschooling more difficult, they do not need to dash your hopes of being able to homeschool completely. With some thought and creativity you can often find ways to overcome these issues and create a wonderful homeschooling experience for your family....

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What Are Learning Styles?

Although we all take in information through our senses, we process this information differently. While every individual’s learning preference is unique, researchers in the fields of psychology and education have divided them into three main categories called learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic....

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Teaching Methods

One of the greatest benefits to homeschooling is the ability to teach your children in a way and at a pace that works best for them. There are as many ways to do this as there are homeschooling families, but many homeschoolers follow one of the following popular teaching methods:...

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Is Homeschooling Legal?

While at one time most children were educated at home by their parents or private tutors, by the 20th century compulsory education laws reduced home educators almost exclusively to the Amish and families living in extremely rural areas. The number of homeschooling families began rising again in the late 1970's...

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What About Standardized Tests?

As homeschooling parents, the knowledge we gain from one-on-one time spent with our students is much more valuable than what we will learn from standardized testing. However, there are a variety reasons that homeschoolers might choose to have their children participate in standardized testing....

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Dads Included

While homeschooling certainly isn’t a gender specific occupation, in many of the families that we know, the mom has the lion’s share of the responsibility for homeschooling. My husband’s occupation makes this necessary in our home, but it also has the unintended consequence of his being left out of a...

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