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Homeschool Terminology

Whether you have been homeschooling for a while or are brand new to the community, you have probably run across homeschool terminology that just leaves you scratching your head. Homeschooling seems to have its own language at times, and it is not always easy to find a "dictionary" to help...

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Is Homeschooling Legal?

While at one time most children were educated at home by their parents or private tutors, by the 20th century compulsory education laws reduced home educators almost exclusively to the Amish and families living in extremely rural areas. The number of homeschooling families began rising again in the late 1970's...

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What About Common Core?

The Common Core Standards and their implementation have caused understandable concern among homeschoolers. By becoming educated, preparing our children for the situations in which they may encounter the standards, and choosing curricula based on our needs, we can implement the solid components of the standards while standing up for the...

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What About Standardized Tests?

As homeschooling parents, the knowledge we gain from one-on-one time spent with our students is much more valuable than what we will learn from standardized testing. However, there are a variety reasons that homeschoolers might choose to have their children participate in standardized testing....

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