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Fashionable vs. Frumpy

In order to reach this world for Christ, we must live in it yet remain not of it. We must be attractive to the world, yet not based on worldly standards. Our attractiveness must come because we dress neither in the latest fashions nor the frumpiest of conservative garb, but...

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The Feminist Mom

Pictures and emotions are quickly formulated when the word feminist is used in conversations. Some cringe, some sigh, and some smirk. I was brought up in a conservative Christian atmosphere and taught that a feminist was one who didn’t like to submit to men and didn’t respect God’s law of...

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Journaling Methods

Without journaling, we have a tendency to gloss over familiar verses, miss connection points, and proceed through our reading time without processing what we have read. Journaling makes us slow down, ponder, and truly listen to the Spirit’s voice as we read....

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When Our Hearts Run Dry

Friends, when done correctly, making time for ourselves is not selfish. It is nourishing. It is you placing the oxygen mask on yourself before placing it on others. Not because you consider yourself more important, but because you know you cannot fully care for them unless you are healthy yourself....

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