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Kindness & Patience

Living with mental illness and a person who lives a double life while being emotionally abusive is just beyond most people’s comprehension. It’s much like chocolate, unless you’ve tried it, you’ll never know what it truly tastes like....

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The Day I Lost It

There will be days when you may also lose it, when that sweet-voiced, kind-hearted mom you want to be takes a hike and there is a frothing badger standing there in her place. It’s a mistake. There’s no doubt about it. She’s not supposed to be here. But all at...

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We’re in This Together

Active unity, manifested in true togetherness, will take an ordinary marriage and turn it into one that causes others to look at us as Paul looked at the Thessalonians, driving him to give “thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our...

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The Simplicity of Marriage

Oftentimes, it would be easier in the moment to focus only on how we can cope with the situation individually rather than taking the time to work through coping as a team. We miss a valuable opportunity to grow together when we take that easier path in the tough times....

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Marriage Identity

In order to live out the identity of marriage, we have to realize that if marriage is just one of the many things we do, then it can come and go as our circumstances change. But, if it is who we are, then it must morph and grow just as...

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