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Free Step-by-Step Guide from Well Planned Gal


Homeschool organization often feels so overwhelming. But what if there was a way to get organized by taking simple, systematic steps?

I have good news — there is a way! In 3 Simple Steps to Homeschool Organized, you’ll discover a tangible, manageable method that walks you step by step through not only preparing for your homeschool year and planning lessons but also engaging in regular evaluation that helps you stay organized. Grab your free copy today, and move from overwhelmed to organized in 3 simple steps!


Step #2 - Planning Your Homeschool Year

Planning Strategies from Homeschool Moms

Rebecca, Well Planned Gal

I implement the following system: First, I start the week by writing out the entire list of tasks I hope to achieve that week. I put this list in the Monday slot. As I complete each item, I mark it off. If I don’t finish on Monday — and I never do — I move what I want to accomplish the next day to Tuesday. By having all of my goals on Monday, I can reference back throughout the week. During the week, each morning, I add everyday task items.

With my list created, I implement a prioritization system. I put a circle around the items that MUST be completed that day, then I write a number next to the item according to priority. Instead of reading down the list several times a day, I focus on #1 and, once I complete it, I mark it off then go on to #2. At the end of each day, the items I didn’t complete get moved to the next day, and in the morning I start again.

Whenever I schedule an appointment, meeting, or activity, I immediately add it to the specific day and time in my On the Go planner. This allows me to begin each week already aware of my commitments before I begin planning the details of my week.

I use part of the “Shopping List” column in my On the Go planner to itemize items I don’t want to forget, but I don’t need to focus on them that week. Sometimes these are quick reminders, project ideas, and infrequent tasks.

Mondays are hectic and Saturdays are sometimes my only day to spend with my husband, so I create my menu list and shopping list on Tuesday. My schedule is very flexible, so sometimes I do the shopping on Sunday — especially if my husband is working that day.


At the end of each week, I start by taking a look at what didn’t get done the previous week. If there’s a deadline for any of those tasks, I make sure to prioritize them accordingly. If not, they just go into a general list for the new week. I typically convert the left hand column in the weekly spread of my On the Go planner into the general list spot for easy reference throughout the week.

Next, I look at obligations for the new week. If there are things that need to be done on specific days, I list those on the appropriate day. This includes not only to-do items but also errands and appointments. These tasks automatically become the priority for those days, since they have time constraints. Any tasks that aren’t day-specific are added to my general list. It’s easy to add numbers or symbols to that general list to prioritize so that I make sure to get the most important tasks done first.

On a daily basis, I first work down the day-specific list. I have time segments throughout the day that are dedicated to different tasks, and I also have a color-coding system that divides my tasks into family, work, personal growth/self-care, homeschool, and church tasks to help keep every detail straight. So if I’m in a school time block, for instance, I only look at purple tasks. If I’m in a work time block, I only look at tasks written in red. If there’s available time after I’m finished with all of the day-specific tasks, I evaluate the general list and move over anything that I think I can get accomplished that day. At the end of each day, anything left undone gets evaluated and moved so I can start fresh the next day!


At the end of the month, I do my monthly planning and grocery list for the next month. At that time, I add things to the notes section on the monthly spread of Well Planned Day, such as buy/send birthday cards or gifts, materials to buy or find for science experiments, etc. I add appointments and anything else to the monthly calendars at the same time. Each of us has our own color, with whole family items in black and things for just the kids and me in purple.

When I do meal planning, I write it in the meal section of the planner, then use the grocery lists to write down ingredients that I need. I usually order groceries and such online and go pick them up, so I leave the list in the planner and cross things off as I put them in my cart. I also print off a PDF monthly calendar and write each meal on the correct day to put on the refrigerator so everyone can reference it.

On Fridays, I get things ready for the next week. I look over schoolwork for the next week, check appointments, and start a to-do list. Friday is the day my kids get their next work schedule, so I can add that to my calendar.

Most mornings and evenings, I check my planner and my list and cross off finished items, then add anything that has come up that day and needs to be taken care of immediately.


At the end of the month, I go through and make sure all of the doctor’s appointments for the upcoming month are listed in red in my planner and on the calendar. Daily tasks like checking work e-mail are listed in black in the planner for each day. Weekly ones are written in blue. Tasks that happen less than weekly are written in red. For something that needs to be done, but doesn’t have a specific date/time, I write it on a sticky note and post it somewhere by my desk. For something I need in my planner that needs extra writing space for details, I write it on a sticky note and stick it on the appropriate week in my planner. Once a sticky-note task is done, I remove the note from my planner.

For meals/grocery, I attached a clipboard to one of the kitchen cabinets, and I keep our meal plan for the month clipped to it. This lets me refer to it easily, and if the kids want to know what’s for dinner, they can check the clipboard instead of pestering me. (In theory, anyway!) There’s a blank grocery list next to the meal plan so that anytime we run out or run low on something, it’s added to the shopping list. (I’m still working on training the kids to add things to the list when they use them up, but my oldest has gotten into the habit of it, and it does help!)

For cleaning, we have a monthly chart where every person’s task, including laundry, has been highlighted in “their” color. There are certain days of the week that each person is scheduled for laundry, for example, and on those days, they need to do laundry if there’s a full load in their clothes hamper. (This cuts down on last-minute, “But all my clothes need to be washed!”) Even my cleaning tasks are listed and highlighted on our chart as a reminder to me and a visual to the kids that even grown-ups have chores too!


On Sunday morning, I look over the upcoming week and write all my appointments in red; I write reminders of upcoming events that are not urgent yet and FYI items like school spirit days in green; I write errands like grocery shopping in purple.

Each morning, I check my house cleaning app Tody to get the day’s cleaning tasks and write them in purple. Then I look at the first three things I need to accomplish in the week and focus on those. Depending on the day and my schedule, I may emphasize housework, paid work, or appointments above everything else. I also prioritize things only I can do such as my own paid work, paying bills, and grocery shopping; I can easily delegate anything else.

Tasks that don’t get done on one day get moved to the next day, and I use the weekend to enlist family help to finish up any stragglers.

Busy Gal Planner Sample

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Homeschool Planner Sample

homeschool planning

Planning Practice for Non-Planners

Weekly Checklists

Planning Evaluation

Success in any career requires the right tools. Homeschooling is no exception! You need resources that equip you to lay out lesson plans, teach time management, and keep good records while also managing home and life with ease. Well Planned Day Planners cover these needs and more!
Rebecca, the Well Planned Gal


The Original Homeschool Planner

Large Family Homeschool Planner

Day by Day Homeschool Recorder