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Jesus Every Day

ORGANIZED UNDER: Faith & Family // Kerusso // Sponsored Post

How does your family connect with Jesus?

Over mealtime prayers? Before bedtime? At church on Sundays?

The key to a lasting relationship with Jesus is making Him a valued member of your family and connecting with Him every chance you get, by bringing more Jesus into every day — not just on Sunday.

6 Ways to Invite the Savior into Daily Family Life

Kerusso®, maker of faith-based apparel, accessories, and gifts, offers these practical tips for bringing your family closer to Jesus:


Begin and end each day with prayer. Ask God for His protection, His help in making good choices, and for opportunities to share His love.


Make every day Thanksgiving Day. When you focus on gratitude, you’ll feel even closer to Jesus’s love. Dinnertime is a great time to take turns sharing what you’re grateful for.


Bring personal meaning to God’s Word. Choose a specific verse, or Bible story, to set a theme for your family’s week. Read the verse(s) aloud each day, discussing how this verse or story applies to your lives at home, work, or school.


Embrace visual reminders of your faith. Hang a “Jesus Loves You” poster on your child’s door. Place a cross or faith-based motto where it will encourage prayer. You can even wear inspirational items as reminders and as a way to share the message of Jesus’s love.


Take a Jesus-first approach to problem solving. When your child encounters a bully or struggles with her science fair project, how do you respond? When the dog is lost, your job is in jeopardy, or a family member is sick, how do you frame the conversation to your children?

When you point to Jesus in the midst of trouble instead of throwing your hands up in frustration, kids will notice. Faith means trusting God when the going gets tough, and it is important for your kids to see your Christian values in action.


Do unto others. Find ways to give back together as a family. That could mean volunteering at a soup kitchen, helping out at church, or sponsoring a child in need. Involve the kids in decision-making, and spend time talking about the importance of passing the love of Jesus to others with our time, effort, talents, and gifts.

Find More Encouragement!

If you’re looking for ways to bring your family closer to Jesus, then you’ll love our FREE family eDevotion: He Is Risen — Devotions that Lead Little Ones to Jesus. This 7-day email series tells the story of Jesus’s birth, life, death, and resurrection in a way young children can understand.

Kerusso is the Greek word meaning "to herald (as a public crier), especially the Divine Truth (the Gospel); preach, proclaim, publish". For over 30 years, Kerusso has been proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through Kerusso Christian T-Shirts. A T-Shirt will be read as many as 3,000 times in its existence. T-Shirt Evangelism has the potential to preach the gospel to millions, if not billions, of people who need to hear the message of salvation. As one of the original pioneers of T-Shirt Evangelism, Kerusso sets the standard and is today the leading producer of Christian T-Shirts.

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