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Ready for Tomorrow


With school in session, the days seem to pass with great speed. Whether you’re waking to meet the day with kids who need clean clothes for co-op classes, lunches packed and car gassed up and ready to go, or you’re waking to toddlers and elementary children begging for cereal and playtime, there is always a need to be ready for the day.

House Ready

Nothing can spoil my attitude quicker than a mess of dirty dishes in the sink or wet clothes in the washing machine that have spoiled. Taking a few minutes each evening to get the kitchen in order and that last load of laundry into the dryer relieves a mountain of stress.

Along with dishes and laundry, take a final walk through the house for a quick pick up of odds and ends left as family members have been in and out all day. Get the kids involved, making it part of the bedtime routine.

Bedtime Ready

Even if they homeschool, kids need to still have routines and structure. Studies and my own personal experience can attest to the positive impact routines have on children. At bedtime, have kids help with a house pick up, then brush teeth, get pajamas on, put dirty clothes in the hamper, and set out the next day’s clothes. Mornings, whether rushed or not, are much easier when the plan for the day has already been set.

Food Ready

Nothing disturbs the morning routine like running out of milk, eggs, or cereal. Save precious time by doing a quick inventory of the refrigerator and pantry and asking hubby to pick up a few items before coming home from work.

Prep for lunches by cleaning, chopping, and placing into baggies the veggies, fruits, and other snacks for quick grabs throughout the morning and afternoon.

Self Ready

No matter how perfect your home, children, and menu are, without self care and preparation, any day can seem overwhelming and full of stress. Start the evening before or early in the morning and spend time in prayer and thought. Find direction, purpose, and answers through devotions and discussion with the Lord.

Each school year brings new challenges, interruptions, adjustments, and great fun. Taking just a few minutes each evening to prep for the day ahead can make a difference in your homeschooling journey. I’ve found my children thankful to wake to hot food, clean clothes, and a plan for dinner. I’ve found myself feeling more accomplished and successful as I pace myself through this crazy season called school years!

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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