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Want a FREE Surefire Way to Get More Done with Ease and Grace?

Use the Well Planned Gal S.P.O.T. Method

Schedule – Plan – Organize – Tackle your to-do list and finally accomplish everything you have on your plate (without feeling stretched thin or pulling your hair out)

Use a Simple 4-Step Strategy

Step 1: Schedule (Prioritize your Day)

Step 2: Plan (Create Your Checklist)

Step 3: Organize (Prepare Yourself)

Step 4: Tackle (Conquer Your To-Do List)

Does this sound like something you could use? (It’s FREE)

One thing about homeschooling moms is they’re never short on ideas. You want the best for your children, and sometimes this means getting overwhelmed with trying to fit it all in.

You’ve done your research. You know the overall concepts you want to instill in your students and the kind of experience you want them to have. You’ve explored your strengths and weaknesses as a homeschool teacher and discovered your Planner Personality.

You’re ready and eager to take your homeschool teaching to the next level….

But the big, persistent question is: NOW WHAT And The S.P.O.T. method was designed to answer it.

Using this practical and flexible strategy, you can make progress on your journey and accomplish your daily checklist, following a step-by-step system that takes the guesswork out of getting it all done.

Would this FREE e-book make your homeschool life easier?

Prioritize Your Day


Depending on your personality, you may either be a person who loves to be detailed in scheduling or one who prefers flexibility. Either way, a schedule is necessary! Most people think that creating a schedule involves filling in blocks detailing what happens every hour, half-hour, or quarter of an hour, ensuring that every moment is filled.

But, the reality is that a schedule is simply a structure or set of boundaries that guides you to use your time intentionally. A schedule allows you to have the space needed to tackle any checklist you may set.

Create Your Checklist


Where a schedule is a general set of boundaries, a plan is more focused on specific tasks needed to reach a specific goal. The catch is that word “focused.” Your personality will either love focused plans or prefer a more spontaneous approach. Believe it or not, checklists work for either personality!

Your checklist can be as detailed or as general as you need it to be. The key is to have something that provides reminders to help you stay on target.

Prepare Yourself


Once you have a schedule and a plan, it’s time to organize! Perhaps your preference is to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Maybe you’re someone who knows exactly which pile to reach for when you need a book or folder, even if no one else can ever figure out your system. Either way, you have an established organizational method.

Your goal is to figure out how to use your organizational method to both accomplish your checklist and help your family get there with you.

Conquering Your To-Do List


You can schedule, plan, and organize all day long. But until you actually tackle the job, you will never finish your checklist! Some people love to jump in and get to work, making adjustments along the way, while others prefer to analyze and work through the options, trying to problem-solve as much as possible before diving in. No matter which approach you prefer, the point is to accomplish your checklist.

It’s important to make sure that you don’t let mistakes or a temptation to procrastinate derail you along the way.

Want to Learn The S.P.O.T. Method Step-by-Step?

Here’s What You’ll Get

Get the Essentials for Creating Your Own Schedule That Works.

Learn to create a schedule that works for your family, browse sample schedules from 5 different moms, and then choose from over 10 scheduling worksheets!

Get the Essentials for Creating Your Achievable Plan.

Learn step-by-step instructions for creating a planning system that works for your family. Plus, you can peruse examples from five moms on how they plan and the systems they use.

Get the Essentials for Organizing Your Spaces.

Discover the role organization plays in reaching your goals and walk through a step-by-step outline for organization using what we call the S.P.I.R.A.L. system.

Get the Essentials for Tackling the Work.

Learn to tackle the work that produces success in scheduling, planning, and organizing. With worksheets to help you evaluate, you’ll quickly learn what works best for you!

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