Being frugal in college demands desire, a plan, and accountability. Get a handle on your finances, and over time, it will only be natural to say, “No, I don’t actually need those tacos.”...
Continue readingBeing frugal in college demands desire, a plan, and accountability. Get a handle on your finances, and over time, it will only be natural to say, “No, I don’t actually need those tacos.”...
Continue readingAny whirl around the Internet or a homeschool convention will reveal that homeschooling can be quite expensive. While still cheaper than many private school options, hundreds of dollars can be spent each year on curriculum and resources. But, it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, when you take...
Continue readingYou’ve probably heard of curricula that can run in the hundreds, and perhaps even thousands, of dollars. While that may sound unheard of, many families think that, because a program is expensive, it must work. The truth is, homeschooling doesn’t have to break your budget, even if you have a...
Continue readingIt's time to start thinking about next year's curriculum, and you definitely want the best for your children, right? Of course! We all do! If that's the case, then you definitely should never consider putting a price tag on your students' education. With that in mind, here are four important...
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