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The Life of Mothering

Becoming a mother meant I birthed new life through this little being created by God, but that is only where it started. The life of mothering is just that: bringing life to our children. It doesn’t end when we bring our little bundles home from the hospital, but rather, life...

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Reflection on Relationships

I’m thankful that the Lord allowed me to learn the beauty and importance of a relationship with Him and how it prepares for all that life brings. Using this as a foundation in homeschooling has led me to make decisions based on the relationship, letting that guide the academics....

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Faith Believes

There were days when I passed the test of faith; on other days, I have failed miserably. I am most thankful that my relationship with Christ is not dependent on my responses, but on the sacrifice and love of my Savior....

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Homeschool Revival

The look of a typical homeschooling family, along with the reasons for their choices, was very different 20-30 years ago. The majority of homeschoolers were ultra conservative families with deep convictions on raising up the next generation, passionate about bringing about a revival to our nation through the means of...

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Save Yourself FIRST

In our quest to be all that we can be as brave and strong homeschooling women, we must recognize the vulnerability within and around us. We must take actions to ensure that we save ourselves first in order to serve those around us....

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Practicing Hope

Practice involved a frequency of conceptualizing, trying, failing, and sometimes succeeding. This is not a parallel or linear path traveled once, but more like an octagon I tried to draw as a teen, full of random lines trying to connect, going round and round....

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