A Mother’s Story
It was early morning, and the day was going to be a scorcher.
Our family was on a summer camping trip, and we needed ice. Lots of it. So I asked my youngest son, who’d just gotten his license, to drive our SUV to the local gas station and grab enough ice to fill up our coolers. I got busy cooking breakfast, daydreaming about activities we’d planned for this vacation.
The bacon in the frying pan was sizzling so loud that I almost didn’t hear my son when he walked up behind me and whispered, “Mom, don’t be mad.” When I turned around, I was shocked to see he was white as a ghost, blood trickling down his forehead.
Driving down the dirt road to the gas station, my son had taken a corner too fast. Our SUV rolled three times into a field, crushing the roof and totaling the car. When I saw the vehicle, it was a shock to realize how lucky he was to walk away from that crash without major injuries.
Six weeks later, I was stunned by news of another car crash. This time it was my oldest son! Driving to high school with five of his buddies, he rear-ended another vehicle.
These two incidents were milestones in our family’s life. Not the kind you celebrate; the kind you’re grateful to survive.
At the time, we knew we were either lucky or blessed. But it wasn’t until I met Veteran Crash Investigator and Driver Safety Expert Mike Pehl that I learned my sons’ crashes were typical, predictable, and PREVENTABLE.
What else didn’t I know?

I didn’t know that 50% of new teen drivers crash in the first six months after getting a driver’s license.
I didn’t know that all Driver Education is NOT equal.
I didn’t know that most Driver’s Ed programs just “teach to the test” and focus on basic rules and laws.
I didn’t know that experts like Mike have developed methods to make Behind-the-Wheel practice easier and less stressful for parents.
Smarter Drivers, Safer Roads

Mike’s experience analyzing car crashes and teaching young drivers has given him a unique perspective about the urgent need for pragmatic Defensive Driving education. His passion to protect passengers AND riders inspired me to join his mission as a co-founder of DriveSafeRideSafe.
Since 2010 we’ve been working together, developing resources based on real-world scenarios. Our goal is to create “Smarter Drivers, Safer Roads.” Our educational materials have helped thousands of teens develop the practical knowledge and tactical skills they need to succeed on the roads today.
Want to improve your teen’s odds?
Get a special HEDUA offer and find out more!
About the Author
Jayne Ubl is a member of the DriveSafeRideSafe team that is led by Veteran Crash Investigator and Driver Safety Expert Mike Pehl.