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Using Your High School 4-Year Planner


As my oldest daughter was wrapping up her middle school years, I began to panic over the high school journey she was about to embark on. I did some research and quickly realized I would need to make sure I kept good records for the next four years, even though we didn’t know at the time if she was college bound.

Along with the need for record-keeping, there was also the need for planning four years of credits, semester goals, and daily assignments. With that in mind, I created the High School 4 Year Plan.

A Walk Through Your High School 4 Year Planner

With so much space and versatility, the High School 4 Year Plan can look a little intimidating. But, it doesn’t have to be! By taking a few minutes to look inside and process through each section of the planner, you’ll find everything you need to easily assemble a solid portfolio for your high school student.

Welcome to High School!

When you open your new planner, you will see that those of us who have started this journey ahead of you know what questions are on your mind! In this first section, find an informational welcome to this new adventure. Discover tips on what constitutes a credit, how to build a transcript, and how to select electives.

Forms & Notes

Following the welcome section, you will see forms and pages for notes to help you start the journey well. Pencil in a four-year plan, discover a sample transcript, and record a summary of any junior high or middle school credits and experiences that apply to your high school transcript and portfolio (Double check your state guidelines for additional help in this area.).


Next, you will find a specific introduction to the freshman year. This spread includes planning suggestions for the year as well as a space to record your curriculum plan, literature list, community involvement, and other information. A similar spread is inserted at the beginning of every subsequent year in your planner.

Monthly & Weekly Views

Every month, you will find a spacious, full-page monthly view with an inspirational quote and Scripture verse, followed by one page per week. The weekly spread holds plenty of space for recording assignments, grades, and any additional activities that are relevant to a high school portfolio.

Additional Recording

The High School 4 Year Plan also includes additional recording pages scattered throughout the planner. These pages provide the opportunity to note attendance as well as additional activities, community involvement, projects, etc. Each of these pages also includes a short helpful suggestion to keep you going strong through the high school years.

Semester Report

At the end of each semester, an entire spread allows you to record various bits of information from the year. Assemble information from the semester’s weekly and bi-monthly record pages to record grades and GPA, books read, community involvement, and attendance in one easy-to-find location. Journaling prompts also allow you to think through the semester for both evaluation and keepsake.

College Prep

If your student is college bound, the final section of the High School 4 Year Planner can be of tremendous help. Find suggestions for building a presenting a high school portfolio, keep a summary of test scores and credits all in one place, and consolidate information about various achievements and involvements. Also find a blank transcript form as well as space to keep up with college considerations and scholarship opportunities.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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