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Full Throttle

Much of our timidity as moms comes from the fear that we’re missing something. That we don’t have the authority or the skills or the abilities needed to move full throttle ahead in our service to the Lord through our families. ...

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Let’s Sing!

Whether we can carry a tune or not - whether we are aware of it or not - music has strongly impacted each and every one of us. We cannot usually recall the specific words of a sermon, but we can remember theology taught to us in hymns. ...

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Group Learning

While teaching our multiple-aged children together is a fun and engaging way to approach the education of our children, sometimes it is advantageous to allow our children to learn with other students of a similar age or academic level....

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Are We Really Socialized?

While I do fully recognize the nourishment that comes from being with others who are like-minded, I cannot help but wonder if the increase in homeschool community interactions is causing a different socialization problem - one that could impact ourselves and our children as powerfully as a lack of socialization...

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No Longer Grasping

Are we persevering out of stubbornness and pride, losing our motivation even as we grasp more tightly to the goal? Or are we keeping our eyes fixed on the Father, drawing on His strength as we take each step, heeding His instruction through every twist and turn of the road...

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