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Five in the Morning


When I reflect back on those early mommy years, having five kids in seven years had many challenges. I quickly discovered that surviving (and even thriving) would be dependent on training my little ones to do for themselves! Morning routines that are repeated each day took time to train, but I was amazed at the amount of freedom it afforded me in juggling all my other responsibilities and the peace it brought to the family as each person contributed. Here’s what I found successful:

Beginning at the age of 2, I would begin a morning routine with each child. Sometimes it started with waking them with a song, typically soft and gentle. (I still hum, “wake up, wake up the sun is up, the dew is on the buttercup…”With sleepy in their eyes, my children would roll out of bed, and we would begin the routine.

The Five in the Morning

Make Bed

As soon as their feet hit the floor, I’d turn them around, and we’d make the bed together. There’s just something about starting the day by making your bed!

Brush Teeth

Next we went to the bathroom to wake up a bit more. A 3-5 minute teeth brushing is just what the dentist ordered!

Wash Face

While in the bathroom, I got a washcloth and washed their face, helping them wake up and feel the joy of cleanliness.

Get Dressed

Returning to their room, we put the pajamas away and got dressed for the day.

Pick up Their Room

Putting away any toys, especially if they woke up before mom and had quiet play time, helped with the fresh start.

As they completed their morning chores, I would use the time to talk about how good they were doing on their big girl or big boy routines! Upon completion, their reward was accompanying mommy downstairs to breakfast, followed by playtime.

Profound Simplicity

It seems so simple, but these five basic routines, practiced with consistency, can become a lifesaver. They teach basic habits of cleanliness, self care, and consideration of others. By the time I had three little girls and was pregnant with my first son, I had the help of the oldest two being self sufficient in the early morning hours, allowing me to focus my attention on the toddler.

The week my oldest married, I walked into her room around 7am to chat with her about the wedding and found her picking up her room. She had already made her bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face, got dressed, and was finishing her five. Oh, yeah, she added makeup to her routine. My heart did a little skip! The habit stuck, and it helped her from childhood all the way to adulthood.

Each of our families have different priorities and needs, but finding and planning a morning routine that can instill healthy habits as well as good character will not only be helpful to them, but will also help keep those early parenting years more structured and stress free.

Morning and Evening Routine Sticker Charts

Your children will love these beautiful, colorful charts, designed to help them remember to work through their routines each morning and each evening. Pre-readers will enjoy the delightful pictures on their one-of-a-kind, stick and re-stick routine stickers.

Learn More

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

  • Belinda Hopkins

    I’m looking for the rest of the lyrics to “wake up, wake up, the sun is up. The dew is on the buttercup.” I sang that to my kids every day, but I never knew the rest of the song.

    August 24, 2020 at 7:32 am Reply

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