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Planner Personality Quiz

Welcome to the Planner Personality Quiz! As with any personality quiz, learning a bit about how you’re wired can also help you learn how to best incorporate planning and organization into your unique lifestyle.

As you dive into the test, remember that it’s important to be honest about where you are and what you prefer. No one is monitoring your answers behind the scenes, ready to pounce if you say the “wrong” thing. You are unique, which means that the only wrong answers are the ones in which you are not honest with and about yourself.

Also, remember to not project. This is not about who you’d like to be, but about who you actually are. You will find that, while every personality has its weaknesses, you have distinct strengths, no matter what your personality may be. The more readily you embrace who you are, the more easily you’ll be able to utilize the suggestions and tools available to you.

Are you ready? Click “start” and discover what kind of planner personality you have!

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