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Let’s Sing!

Whether we can carry a tune or not - whether we are aware of it or not - music has strongly impacted each and every one of us. We cannot usually recall the specific words of a sermon, but we can remember theology taught to us in hymns. ...

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Kitchen Clean-Up

For years, I would arrive at the dinner table completely drained. Cooking a meal after a long day of caring for young children and then immediately sitting down without the energy to converse with my family completely dampened the evening. ...

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Virtues of Gardening

It has amazed me how receptive our children have been to the work and the enjoyment that gardening has brought. Maybe it’s the fresh air and the tranquility of all things in order. Perhaps it’s that kids, in a world full of consumerism and video games, simply enjoy the basics...

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Dads Included

While homeschooling certainly isn’t a gender specific occupation, in many of the families that we know, the mom has the lion’s share of the responsibility for homeschooling. My husband’s occupation makes this necessary in our home, but it also has the unintended consequence of his being left out of a...

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