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Still in Need of Samaritans

We pondered the truth that Jesus clearly wanted Christians to note, that even the world is willing to get involved with messy situations. We also recognized that many churches are positively responding with recovery programs, and there is a growing trend in the younger generation to tackle these issues head...

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Wishfulness or Certain Hope?

For years, she has collected piece after piece. Some have been passed down from generation to generation. Some have been fashioned by the hands of her mother or grandmother. Still others she has lovingly prepared herself. She is uncertain of the future, yet each item represents her certainty in a...

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Practicing Hope

Practice involved a frequency of conceptualizing, trying, failing, and sometimes succeeding. This is not a parallel or linear path traveled once, but more like an octagon I tried to draw as a teen, full of random lines trying to connect, going round and round....

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Dads Included

While homeschooling certainly isn’t a gender specific occupation, in many of the families that we know, the mom has the lion’s share of the responsibility for homeschooling. My husband’s occupation makes this necessary in our home, but it also has the unintended consequence of his being left out of a...

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menu planning

5 Staples for Menu Planning

Early on in my parenting decisions, family dinners were a must. A time to relax, enjoy good food, review the day, and converse with loved ones, the supper table was where relationships were formed and family was established. As with anything of importance, family dinners take planning and consistency....

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