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Using Well Planned Day


It’s time to start getting ready for a new homeschool year – which means it’s time to unwrap your brand new, crisp, clean planner!

Well Planned Day is a comprehensive planner specially created for the homeschooling family to encompass the many needs of everyday life. I designed each section to aid you in recording lesson plans, scheduling activities, creating menu plans, organizing grocery shopping lists, and so much more.

A Walk Through Your Well Planned Day Planner

If you are new to Well Planned Day, or if you are still trying to decide if this is the homeschool planner for you, take a look inside this year’s edition while I walk you through each section.


As you open the first pages of Well Planned Day, you will find some practical help. These pages contain tips for developing a habit of planning and a walk through each section of your new planner.

Family Keepsake

This area allows you to add memories and photos of your family for this year. Your planner will become a keepsake for years to come.

Year at a Glance

Utilize this page as a reference for holidays and long-term planning.

Important Info

Keep vital contact e-mails and phone numbers on co-op, tutorial, sports team, or teachers. This is also the place to reference an emergency contact and educational websites.

Home Management

Utilize this page to divide household chores into each day of the week. For those once- or twice-a-year projects, like cleaning out winter clothes, gutters, or the shed, chart these in the monthly spaces.

Chore Charts

These perforated, tear-out sheets are perfect to use with the younger children in the family. To help my children participate in organization, I laminated the cards and use dry erase markers to keep these in use throughout the entire year. On one side, they kept track of chores. On the other side, they could check off their school progress. Although younger non-readers will need help, when kids are in preschool through about 3rd or 4th grade these are a great way to teach the importance of daily responsibilities and introduce the concept of a to-do list.

Teacher Schedule

This sheet helps you schedule and maintain a balance in commitments and responsibilities. Begin by adding the time needed to feed the family, then add school subjects. Next add household chores and extracurricular activities. With a bird’s eye view of what your week looks like, you can adjust if you are over-committed or have time to do more! Copy and use this form as often as you like.

Class Plan

These pages offer a fun space to both record your child’s growth and think through the best courses for each student for the year. You can also plan where to purchase the curriculum and budget for it across each semester. For families who like to read, there is an area for purchasing more literature in order to build your own home library. Your Well Planned Day planner comes with enough Class Plan worksheets for up to four students.

Student Schedule

Similar to the teacher schedule, you can assign a weekly schedule to each student. If the student’s schedule stays the same all year, document the times and tasks and then make a copy. I recommend making a copy of these forms and creating a schedule for students in pencil. Include your expectations of chores, assignments, music practice, and more. Post near your student’s desk, bedroom, or on the refrigerator. Your days will go smoother when students understand your expectations throughout the day and week.

Monthly Calendar

Each month there is a large two-page calendar with space to note appointments and events. This spread also includes a thematic plan to read through the Bible in a year. I’ve also included an article in the planner to help you explore suggestions for utilizing the Bible reading plan.

Encouraging Article

For the 2018-2019 school year, I’m focusing the encouraging articles, Bible verses, and quotes on helping moms with organization, homeschooling, and, more importantly, self care. Only through self care can moms be ready to take on the time-consuming, brain-challenging, and emotionally draining job of 24/7 caring and schooling. You’ll be encouraged by a combination of both familiar and fresh articles to encourage you in this journey.

Shopping Lists

Neatly tucked within each month’s article are the uniquely designed tear-out shopping lists. Utilize these in coordination with the weekly dinner menu planning section on the weekly layout to create a dinner menu plan, check your supply of household items to build a grocery list, or be prepared to run errands.

Around the House

Each month, rotate and assign chores to children, set goals for projects around the house, and budget household purchases.

Enjoy Reading

Record books your children read alone and the read-alouds completed each month. This is also the place to track library books and due dates. Don’t forget, you can always include books for you, too!

Fun Learning

Enhance your homeschooling through field trips! Track dates, times, locations, and trip to-do lists.

Education Goals

Create and track goals for each student at the beginning of the month. I recommend focusing on 1-2 weak areas to work on and 1-2 strengths to challenge students to go further. Remember to include habits and behavior in goal setting.

If the student’s personality likes a challenge, share your goals with him or her!

Weekly Spread

With five kids, I needed a planner that would help me manage everyone at a glance. That need is behind the design of the two-page weekly spread. Combine space for core subjects, electives, and extracurricular involvement with color-coding and abbreviations, and you can easily see at a glance what each child needs for the day or week. There is also space for jotting down priorities, keeping track of the week’s menu planning, and taking notes for the weekend. Finally, find a teaching tip and an encouraging Scripture verse on every week’s spread.

Holiday Planning

Nestled between the months of November and December, I have included a holiday organization section. Use this area to plan Christmas cards; keep up with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s events; and track gift giving and shopping in stores and online – continuing to keep everything in one place and easy to organize.

Weekly Pages

Over twenty lines and checkboxes are included each week for you to stay on track with your homeschool schedule. This area includes four lines for each subject: Bible, math, history, science, and English.

An additional seven lines are included below English to expand for spelling, vocabulary, or other electives. This area can also be used to record appointments as a reminder.

Use the small colored boxes to record grades or check assignments complete. I recommend giving a letter or number grade in middle school, not only to give children an understanding of the importance of doing their best work on the first try, but also teaching what a GPA is and the importance of getting good grades for high school and college.

I’ve designed the grading area in a way that simplifies creating a grading log. By putting the students in the same order each day of the week, you can easily average the students’ grades from left to right, then record the average on the attendance and progress report.

Each week also comes with a white box next to the date to record attendance, a Scripture verse for encouragement, a quote to provoke thinking, and a tip for teaching.

The To-Do This Week area is a space for mom’s priorities. Whether home, school, or personal tasks, keep a list for each week.

Plan and save when you utilize the daily dinner menu area, and stay refreshed by making a plan for self care. Whether as simple as a time each day to stop and have a cup of tea in the afternoon or a scheduled evening bubble bath, make sure to take a little time to renew yourself.

With an expanded weekend area, there is plenty of room to record events, get-togethers, or even some additional homeschooling.

Attendance & Progress

These unique forms allow teachers to record grades or time spent on school each day, depending on your state requirements. Create your own attendance legend for present, absent, holiday, sick day, or vacation. Your Well Planned Day planner includes space for tracking up to four students.

Future Plans

With the Future Plans section, you can prepare for the new school year even before you are ready to crack into your next planner. This year I’ve included a 2019-2020 Year at a Glance page along with July, August, September, and October months to schedule events beyond the school year. These can easily be transferred to your new Well Planned Day next year.


Of course, none of the information would be easy to find were it not for the handy, inset tabs for each month. No need to worry about tearing off tab extension or ripping pages thanks to these convenient indentions in each month.

Year-End Review

When it’s all done, these pages allow you to reflect on what worked or what needs help and begin brainstorming curriculum ideas for the following year.

Report Cards

Who said report cards can’t be both useful and beautiful? In our local community, we can use report cards to reward students with free pizza, ice cream, or bowling. Report cards can also be great to show off to grandparents or other family members.

At the back of your Well Planned Day, you’ll find four tear-out report cards ready to fill out, fold into beautiful cards, and hand out. Find space for recording grades, attendance, literature completed, and enrichment activities enjoyed throughout both semesters. On the back, write your comments about each semester to encourage your child to see progress made throughout the year.

Using Your Well Planned Day Planner Using Your Well Planned Day Planner Using Your Well Planned Day Planner

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

  • Amanda Woodruff

    Hi! When will the 2019-2020 well planned day homeschool planner be out?

    December 27, 2018 at 2:59 pm Reply
    • Ann Hibbard

      Amanda, very soon!! If you are on our e-mail list, you should start getting notifications within the next few weeks about our early release sale. Then, planners should start shipping within the next two months. I can’t wait for you to see the new designs. They are beautiful! Thanks for checking in.

      December 28, 2018 at 5:20 pm Reply

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Well Planned Day
Well Planned Day Planners

Record as you go or plan ahead, keep track of your homeschool progress and daily tasks the well planned way....