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Using Your High School Planner


The high school years are a perfect time for teaching personal and time management. With this in mind, I created the Well Planned High School Planner, a tool especially designed to help high schoolers develop the skills they need before graduating.

The Well Planned High School Planner is perfectly sized to throw in a backpack or keep on a desk, making it versatile and accessible for the busy high schooler.

A Walk Through Your High School Planner

Whether you have just opened your brand new planner or are still contemplating if this is the resource for you or your student, take a moment to join me for a look inside the Well Planned High School Planner, this year provided in two designs! Choose between the Vintage Vines or Tumbling Tetrominoes design.

High School Journey

These pages are packed full of information to help you along each stage of the high school journey. First, you will an article walking you through how to use your planner. Next, you’ll see articles covering information you need to help you plan each year well.

Planning for Success

Learn how to calculate credits, create a transcript, and determine your GPA. You’ll even find sample grading systems and a list of typical credit requirements.

Yearly Checklist

What steps do you need to take each year to progress well through high school and be prepared for the future? You’ll find that on these pages, divided by year and semester.

College Entrance Exams

Even if this is just your freshman year, it’s still a great idea to have a grasp of what tests you might need to take in the coming years. This article walks you through the primary tests and offers a few test-taking tips.

High School Electives

High school is fun because it’s so customizable, but that can also make it overwhelming. In this article, you’ll find some tips for incorporating electives into your high school planning.

Semester Pages

At the beginning and end of each semester, you will find pages designated for planning and keeping track of reading goals, credits earned, and reflections on the completed semester.

My Schedule

Throughout this planner, I have included a variety of tips to help you learn to stay organized throughout your high school years. The schedule page is an important part of that process. Use this page to establish your school and work schedule and to keep up with your daily routines. Consider creating color-coding or abbreviation keys to reduce what you have to write every day.

Monthly Pages

Use the monthly view spread to keep track of the family schedule and coordinate work, school, and extracurricular activities so you don’t over commit. Each month, you will also find daily Scripture readings, a high school tip, a life skill question and answer, and space to make notes and plan projects.

Weekly Pages

These are the pages you will use most often, and they include four sections.


Beside each date, you will find five little checkboxes. Use these to mark off your routine progress each day.

Fun Times

Self-care is so important during these busy years. Each day, use this space to note one thing you’re going to do to relax, rest, and relieve tension.


The main bulk of your weekly space is designed to allow you to keep up with specific school assignments on one side and everything else on the other. Use the checkboxes to mark off each task as it’s completed and celebrate your progress!

Quotes & Verses

We learn so much through the wisdom of others, so each week you will find a quote and Bible verse geared toward encouraging and edifying you through this journey.


High school can be a bit intimidating for homeschool parents. But, with a little intentionality, it can actually be the most enjoyable years of your homeschool career. The High School Transcript e-book provides the resources you need to be intentional about recording your student’s grades for a transcript, ensuring that you have the tools you need to help your student progress well through high school and beyond.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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Well Planned Day Planners

Record as you go or plan ahead, keep track of your homeschool progress and daily tasks the well planned way....