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The Family Homeschool Planner


As a homeschooling mom, I needed a planner that kept home, schooling, and our busy family on schedule. Over 12 years ago, I created Well Planned Day with that in mind.

Dated July 1st to June 30th, this planner fits families who school the traditional 180 days and the ones who school year round.

Each week, there is room to lesson plan for four students. The core subjects of Bible, math, science, history, and English are included. I’ve also included additional space to plan for the extras. Along with daily assignments, there are boxes for attendance and grading or marking complete. 

The weekly spread also includes weekend activities, mom’s to-do list, dinner menu planning, and space to schedule self-care. When planning your dinner menu, take advantage of the perforated shopping lists. There’s a full sheet each month.

I begin each month with a large monthly grid to schedule appointments, family events, goals, and a read through the Bible in a year plan. This is followed by a monthly article on planning, organization, or homeschool teaching.

I’ve also included a monthly reading page to record literature for each student, the family read-alouds, and—most importantly—the library books and when they are due back. Across from this page is the fun learning page which incorporates field trip planning. Each month there are also book and activity suggestions based on the holidays or season.

Beyond the daily assignments, I’ve also included curriculum planning, schedule worksheets, attendance reports, and grade logs. Additional planning includes cleaning schedules, chore charts, holiday planning section, year end reviews, and tear out report cards.

Well Planned Day has everything you need to plan for school, maintain the home, and keep up with your busy family schedule.  

Well Planned Gal System

The S.P.O.T. Method consists of four strategic focuses, each of which helps you work toward the successful accomplishment of your goals.

Learn the S.P.O.T. Method