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Keeping Up the Homeschool Confidence

ORGANIZED UNDER: Homeschool Issues // Quick Start

How do I maintain my confidence?

Homeschooling tends to magnify. It can find any little flaw or insecurity, behavior or blessing, and make it seem bigger. Almost every parent, at some time during the homeschooling journey, suffers a crisis of confidence. So, what can be done when you just aren’t sure you CAN do it?

Building Your Homeschool Confidence

Here are ways to build your confidence and remind yourself that you really can do this.


Spend time in prayer. Having God as the head of your homeschool and following his plan will help you be more confident in what you are doing.


Realize that homeschool confidence comes with experience, both successes and mistakes.  As you learn what works—as well as what doesn’t—you’ll gain confidence in your abilities.

Find Support

Whether it is just one other homeschooling mom or a whole homeschooling group, other like-minded parents can increase your confidence. A been-there-done-that homeschooler can help show you the ropes and provide assurance that you CAN do this, while someone in the same trenches you are in can help spur you along.


Read books about homeschooling and parenting, but feel free to discard them if they aren’t helpful to you or don’t match your personality. What works well for one person can be a failure for another.

Be You

Be yourself. Embrace your uniqueness. If you are a hands-on, crafty mama, GREAT! Be that person. But if crafts give you hives, find other ways to teach concepts.

Don't Compare

We all do it, but try hard not to compare yourself or your family to anyone else. Every family has its own strengths and interests.

Ask Questions

Many veteran homeschoolers are happy to answer sincere questions, and you will feel better when you have answers for your concerns.


Remember your successes. Make a list of past victories and keep it in your planner to read when you are feeling discouraged.


Attend a homeschool convention. Especially in the first years, seeing the huge variety of homeschoolers all in one area is a huge confidence-booster! And conventions give you the opportunity to visit with vendors, helping you to make better curriculum choices.

Final Thoughts

Above all, don’t fail to plan ahead. Knowing where you are going will make you more sure of your decisions along the way!

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

  • Brandi G

    These were good reminders for keeping the confidence and momentum going. I’ve also been considering attending an upcoming homeschool convention; I think it will be helpful in the season of life we are in. Thank you for the helpful tips.

    February 2, 2023 at 7:29 pm Reply

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