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Four Steps to a Successful Mid-year School Transition

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For many of you, this new year will bring with it lots of changes when it comes to your child’s education. Perhaps you are new to homeschooling and in the process of making the transition mid school year, or maybe you are an experienced homeschooler whose routine is starting to take a nosedive, and you are looking to switch to a new curricula.

Regardless of the category you fall into, we have several tips to help you make that mid school year transition smooth and stress free.

Take it slow

This is a big change for you and your children. Instead of buying the first curriculum you see, take your time to do some research. Think about how your child learns best and then find a program that fits with his or her preferred way of learning. If possible, find out if the curriculum you have in mind provides a trial or money back guarantee; this way, you won’t have to make a long term commitment without knowing if it will work for your family.

Take some time off

Whether you are homeschooling for the first time or starting the year with a brand new curriculum, a few days off will help you and your children unwind before you take off on this exciting chapter. Many homeschoolers will take some time to deschool and basically get to know their children and observe them to determine how it is that they learn and retain information best. In the end, some time off will help everyone start this new journey with a clear, fresh mind.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s

This applies especially to those of you who are new to homeschooling or if you have just moved to a different state. Even though homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, it is imperative that you determine what your state’s homeschooling laws are by getting in touch with the Department of Education. Some states require you to teach specific subjects and provide a portfolio detailing your child’s work, while other states allow parents to teach whatever they want without requiring formal documentation to be submitted. You may also want to consider joining a local homeschool group where members will be more than happy to help point you in the right direction.

Exercise patience

Everyone reacts to change differently. Some people embrace it wholeheartedly while others need a bit more time to get accustomed to something new. If either you or your child fall into the latter category, remember, it will take a little while to get used to a new lifestyle and a new way of doing things. That’s okay and perfectly normal. Yes, there will be obstacles along the way, but it is how you overcome them and learn from them that matters most. Before you know it, you will soon get the hang of things and embrace the homeschool lifestyle and all that it has to offer.

When the going gets tough, keep your goals in mind and remember why you started homeschooling in the first place. It also helps to know that you have the support of so many others like you — homeschoolers who were once new to it all and are now succeeding and enjoying every single moment.

Time4Learning is an award-winning, comprehensive curriculum for PreK-12 that makes learning effective and engaging through animated lessons and activities. Over the last 10 years, Time4Learning has helped over 500,000 homeschooling families with its flexible and engaging curriculum that also grades lessons, tracks progress, and keeps reports. Time4Learning is now offering online foreign language courses for members. Choose from English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Latin, Italian, Japanese, or Russian.

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