When you find a good college fit, you'll not only find a school that values community and nourishment of their students, you'll also find a place where you feel at home....
Continue readingWhen you find a good college fit, you'll not only find a school that values community and nourishment of their students, you'll also find a place where you feel at home....
Continue readingIf you are homeschooling a middle schooler and you hit a roadblock, take a look at his or her thought processes. It is possible that allowing your child a few months of cognitive development before tackling a subject could save you both a lot of headaches!...
Continue readingLiving with mental illness and a person who lives a double life while being emotionally abusive is just beyond most people’s comprehension. It’s much like chocolate, unless you’ve tried it, you’ll never know what it truly tastes like....
Continue reading[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whether it's your first year to homeschool or your tenth, one of the first challenges each year for any homeschool family is choosing curriculum. One curriculum option that is often overlooked is online curriculum. Parents who are used to using textbooks or more hands-on based curriculum are often intimidated by the...
Continue readingBy teaching math according to these learning styles, you can increase the chances of success in math for your student. ...
Continue readingIn these years, when serious subjects replace fun and games, take joy in the ways that your student puts all the pieces together into a puzzle....
Continue readingChildren need to learn how to have a sense of independence even at an early age because if they always have a parent to rely on, especially at night, how will they learn how to take care of themselves?...
Continue readingThe point of teaching and homeschooling is not to progress through a curriculum or reach a completion goal. Instead, teaching is about our students....
Continue readingWhile there are distinct health needs for each stage, there are also times when a family should explore healthy growth as a unit. ...
Continue readingThe question is, does starting early make us better readers? This is a difficult issue to study....
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