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Reality sets in when that precious bundle is finally placed in our arms, and it is often so very different from our expectations. In fact, it may even be harder in many ways. But, as my fellow moms and I have discovered, reality is also much more delightful than we...

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Fear & Decisions

We should not make education decisions, or any other life-altering decisions, based on the fear of man. Choosing to educate at home should not be done in fear of a liberal agenda or in fear of evolution or in fear of the godlessness of the classroom. These fears are grounded...

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Dads Included

While homeschooling certainly isn’t a gender specific occupation, in many of the families that we know, the mom has the lion’s share of the responsibility for homeschooling. My husband’s occupation makes this necessary in our home, but it also has the unintended consequence of his being left out of a...

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Me Time

In order to be effective in our teaching and parenting, moms need to occasionally take some time out to unwind and focus on taking care of themselves. Here are some ideas to make the most of those precious moments....

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What About Wizards?

What is the distinction between The Lord of the Rings (or Narnia), and Harry Potter? The Harry Potter series does have redeeming qualities. Harry is, in many ways, an admirable figure. He’s a nice kid. He values friendship and loyalty. And he struggles to defeat/thwart enemies who are clearly evil....

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