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Moody Publishers

Moody Publishers strives to educate and edify the Christian and to evangelize the non-Christian by ethically publishing conservative, evangelical Christian literature and other media for all ages around the world, and to help provide resources for Moody Bible Institute in its training of future Christian leaders. Learn more at

Is College Debt Worth It?

Ultimately, we as Christians are called to bring honor to God. There are plenty of sources that discuss the importance of earning a degree and what it means over the course of a lifetime in earnings. But, the pursuit should not only be to obtain a degree for a salary....

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Living Through the Lens

Pictures are a beautiful way to stay connected, especially when we don’t live close to those we love. I enjoy posting personal and ministry pictures on social media and sharing them with friends and family. I’m glad when they share pictures with me. Pictures often communicate more vibrantly than words....

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Five Ways to Express Love

In my early years as a marriage counselor, time and time again I noticed that often couples would voice similar complaints regarding their marriage. One spouse would say something to the effect of, "I feel like he doesn't love me," as the other spouse would then retort, "I don't know...

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