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What is Advent, Anyway?

When we celebrate Advent, we do more than simply set aside one day to wish Jesus, “Happy birthday!” We reset our focus over the course of the whole season. Nothing can make Christmas more precious than an increased awareness of what Jesus really accomplished by taking on our flesh....

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Virtues of Gardening

It has amazed me how receptive our children have been to the work and the enjoyment that gardening has brought. Maybe it’s the fresh air and the tranquility of all things in order. Perhaps it’s that kids, in a world full of consumerism and video games, simply enjoy the basics...

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10 Tips for Online Safety

As the Internet becomes more and more accessible in our homes and on the go on our phones and tablets, it becomes increasingly important that we remain vigilant for the safety of ourselves and our children. Here are ten tips for Internet users to practice and for parents to teach...

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5 Reasons to be a Grinch

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]True story. I used a stuffed Grinch for the tree topper on the first Christmas tree that my husband and I had. Yes, I am rather a Grinch, but why should that be a bad thing? I’ve got 5 reasons for you that will explain why . . .It’s Actually Good...

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