What does it mean to be a human person?
The human person is unique and unrepeatable, created with reason and hopes and dreams and fears. Each one of us is born into a family, as a member of a community, and a part of a culture. Why does this matter? When it comes to modern economic theory, humans are often viewed simplistically, like objects to be manipulated instead of subjects to be respected.

The Good Society
The Good Society series of free, short films explores interconnected ideas about economics, trade, business, creativity, freedom, and the human person. In an episode titled The Person at the Center of the Economy, a mix of animation and live action helps outline those elements that define human beings—creating the foundation for a right understanding of economics.
With its charts, graphs, and equations, economics can be an intimidating subject to teach (and to learn). When approached from a perspective that honors the complex nature of the person, however, both educators and students alike can begin to understand economics in its proper context.