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Encouraging Dreams

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Do your children have big dreams? Do they talk about all the things they would love to accomplish? Encouraging and supporting our children to achieve their goals is something they will never forget. Knowing that the most important people in their lives want them to dream big and do their best is a great motivator.

Now that you’re back into the homeschooling routine, why not make this the year to think outside the box? When you homeschool, the flexibility and possibilities are endless. Since you are in charge of your child’s education, you have the freedom to decide what you teach, how you teach, and when you teach.

Outside the Box

For many, homeschooling is more than an educational choice. It’s a lifestyle. Each day is a new opportunity to mold your children and help them learn and grow. When you decided to homeschool, you made what many would consider a brave, yet difficult, decision. Maybe you doubted yourself at times, but in the end, you realized that your child’s future and well-being was your main focus.

Rather than enrolling in local schools and programs, you took advantage of the flexibility homeschooling afforded you so that your child had an opportunity, whether it was an opportunity to feel safe, learn about things that are important to you as a family, or pursue interests that weren’t readily available through local schools.

The choices we make when following a hobby or passion can often determine how far that passion can be pursued. Homeschooling grants the flexible schedule needed to help children pursue their dreams without being confined to a specific schedule each day. If your child is involved in or wants to start taking part in extracurricular activities or has a passion like sports, dance, or science, she’ll be able to dedicate more time and energy in these interests.

Free to Guide

Since both you and your child are now in charge of his education, you can align your child’s goals and dreams with what he learns. For example, if your child has a love for science, heading to the local science museum on a regular basis or when a new exhibit opens up is an excellent way to feed his particular interests by way of an educational field trip. If your child’s passion is a particular sport, look into requesting a private tour during the next baseball game or hockey match to give your child a behind-the-scenes perspective.

If you’ve been homeschooling for a while and are in need of a change, or if you are thinking about homeschooling for the first time, remember that, although change can be difficult and take some getting used to, it can also be a blessing in disguise.

Tips for Success

Below are a few tips that will help whether you are a newbie or seasoned pro:

Switching things up? Are you starting a new curriculum or just changing your overall method of operation? Make the transition a bit easier and more manageable by starting a few weeks early. This will give you and your child a chance to adjust to the change.

Talk it out: Do you notice a change in your child’s behavior or attitude towards homeschooling? Ask your child questions and hear her out. Find out why she feels the way they do. Is she nervous about something? Is your child starting a new group where she doesn’t know anyone? Be ready to offer advice and reassurance.

Go back-to-homeschool shopping: If your budget allows, go shopping with your child and let him pick out new supplies for this upcoming year. This will get your student excited about the big day.

Get involved: If you have access to a homeschool group, make time to volunteer or help out in any way you can. Not only will this help you meet other like-minded families, it will also make your child feel at ease knowing Mom or Dad is part of the same group too.

Homeschooling offers families so many opportunities. While homeschooling may take some trial and error, you’ll soon discover what curriculum, schedule, or organizational system works for you and your child. Homeschooling is an exciting journey. Whether you decide to homeschool for a few years or through high school graduation, the time spent with your child will be one that you’ll always cherish.

Time4Learning is an award-winning, comprehensive curriculum for PreK-12 that makes learning effective and engaging through animated lessons and activities. Over the last 10 years, Time4Learning has helped over 500,000 homeschooling families with its flexible and engaging curriculum that also grades lessons, tracks progress, and keeps reports. Time4Learning is now offering online foreign language courses for members. Choose from English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Latin, Italian, Japanese, or Russian.

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