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Moving Forward: Post-Graduation Preparation

ORGANIZED UNDER: Learning to Reason // Parenting // Quick Start

Just yesterday she was learning her alphabet and doing addition problems in pigtails, lisping a bit through the lost front teeth. Somehow, though, graduation is now on the horizon, and you are getting ready to launch her into adulthood. Is she ready? Here are some things to think about as you make sure that you are sending your nestling out ready to move forward.

Get Ready for College

Is your student planning to attend college or trade school? Now is the time to finalize these plans.

  • If he or she hasn’t done so already, help your high schooler narrow his college choices down to two to four top schools.
  • Make college visits.
  • Fill out and send in college applications.
  • Apply for financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
  • Consider taking CLEP tests to qualify for college credit.
  • Meet with an adviser and register for classes.

Get Ready to Work

Maybe the post-graduation plans for your student include heading straight into a job instead of or alongside a college education. Get the process started now.

  • Have your student take an aptitude test or consider what type of job he or she might excel at.
  • Help him or her fill out a resume and write a generic cover letter that can be tweaked for each job.
  • Discuss interview questions and practice interview skills.
  • If your student might be more of an entrepreneur, discuss possible businesses that he or she could start.
  • Fill out job applications.
  • Together, take a good look at his or her social media account. Is there anything there that a prospective employer might find troubling?

Get Ready for Life

Whether your child is planning to head to college or straight into the workforce, he will need to be ready to “adult.” Sometimes we forget that we need to be intentional about teaching our children how to do things that we do automatically or without much thought.

Before graduation, make sure your child can do the following things.

  • clean and do laundry
  • basic mending, such as repairing a seam or sewing on a button
  • handle a checking account and, if applicable, a credit card
  • manage a budget
  • meal plan and go grocery shopping
  • cook and bake
  • manage time, plan, and keep a schedule (Check out the Well Planned Day High School, College, or On-the-Go planners.)
  • stick to a task until it is finished
  • organize
  • handle health issues and emergencies, including making appointments
  • basic auto care
  • understand safety issues, both at home and away, as well as online

The graduation festivities will soon be over. With some forethought and planning, your child can be ready to head out into the world prepared to excel.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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