Online Planning Tutorial
Printables and Reports
Printables and Reports
No matter how useful digital planning may be, there are still times when pen and paper are indispensable. This is where the Reports feature of Online Planning comes in handy. Whether you need to print weekly assignments and chores for students, weekly teacher plans, progress reports, attendance records, or a transcript, the Reports feature turns online ease into printable accessibility with the click of a button.
Reports and Printables Instructional
Online planning is a wonderfully flexible tool, but there are still times when we need information in print. Let’s take a few minutes to walk through how to use your online planner to easily create a variety of printed reports ranging from weekly lesson plans to annual records.
You’ll find all of your reports under the Reports icon in your main menu. But first, it’s important to make sure that your courses are properly set up for the information to show up on your reports. Here’s how to do that:
Now we’re ready to walk through the reports.
Using the Weekly Student Plans report, you can hand your student a print-out of the week’s assignments. Here’s how to do use this feature:
Weekly Teacher Plans work similarly.
When you’re ready to print your Weekly Teacher Plan, you’ll find that this view is designed to match the weekly spread in your Well Planned Day planner. It even includes any tasks you have assigned to yourself in the Checklist as well as any Dinner meals created on the meals calendar.
If you have maintained grading throughout the year, the Progress Report maintains itself! This option will show an overview of weekly grades from the start date of your year up to the current date. All you have to do is print, and you have a summary of your student’s grades for the year!
Like the Progress Report, the Attendance Report prepares itself throughout the year, but this report is also interactive, allowing you to edit as needed.
The Attendance Report page is completely interactive, allowing you to make edits and adjustments to any day on the report.
At the bottom of the page, you will find an overall attendance report legend recording the number of days in which your student completed assignments. Attendance is only marked if all assignments for that day were completed. You will also find a record of total hours. Any additional attendance markers you’ve created will also show up in this legend.
One thing to note is that the Attendance Report includes all days in which assignments are assigned, whether they are marked to include in reports or not. So, if you assign a piano practice “course” which includes weekend practice, those days and hours will show up on the Attendance Report.
Once your updates have been made, click Print in the upper right hand corner to include this report in your personal records or state reporting.
Before we take a look at the transcript function, remember to check the set up functions mentioned at the beginning of this instructional. Make sure that you have a number of credits assigned and that the course is marked to show in reports. Now, let’s walk through creating a transcript.
First, you’ll need to set up student information.
Now, head on over to Reports and click on High School Transcript. Select your student’s name and click Go. That’s it! All selected courses, grades, credits, GPA, and student info will show up, ready to print. If anything is missing, simply go back and check to make sure that the credit and reports options are appropriately selected.
With these reports automatically compiled and at your fingertips, keeping track of your student’s information will be a breeze!
Why are some courses not appearing on reports?
Go to your Courses page and click on a course not showing up in your reports. Under Course Details, make sure the Include in Reports? box is checked. Be sure to watch the Create a Custom Course or Install a Purchased Course video for full details on setting up a custom or purchased course schedule.
Can I change the order of the subjects on the Student and Teacher Plans?
Yes! On either the Teacher or Student Weekly Plans page, you will find a Subjects Sort box. Click this box to rearrange the order of your subjects before printing.
How do I make sure the chores list prints on my student’s weekly plan?
At the top of each task list, you will find a small paper clip icon. Make sure this icon is highlighted if you want a list to show up on your printed reports. See the Checklists and Chores video for more details.
Why are some days not counting towards attendance on the attendance report?
The Online Planning system only acknowledges attendance for days in which all assignments have been completed. If a day is not marked complete, check the assignments for that day and make sure all have been either completed or moved to a new day for completion.
How are hours totals calculated in the attendance report, and how do I edit it?
Hours are set by the times you choose when you set up a course. For more information, view the Custom Courses tutorial or see the Attendance section of the Printables and Reports tutorial.
My middle school student is taking high school credit courses. How can I make sure those courses are added to their high school transcript?
If you have chosen credits for any course and have selected for it to show up on reports, it will automatically show up on your student’s transcript, listed under the appropriate grade. In order to ensure that only desired courses show up, make sure to uncheck the Include in Reports? box on all other courses completed by the student that year. For more information, see “Getting Set Up” in the Printables and Reports Instructional.