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Organize Your Holidays


5 Homeschool Holiday Survival Tips

The season has quickly arrived and Christmas is in full swing. Between the shopping, math lessons, gift wrapping, science experiments, baking, and Bible studies, how does a homeschool mom juggle it all?

Here are five tips that will help you organize your holidays and ensure that you can survive – even thrive – during the holiday season.

Prioritize the Season

Each family is unique, and a key to enjoying the holidays is recognizing your unique situation and prioritizing accordingly. For some, obligations can be overwhelming with extended family, church, homeschool co-ops, office parties, and more. Starting to celebrate can begin as early as the first week of December. For others, the holidays can have a more family/children focus.

With this in mind, let’s start with a piece of paper and pencil! Make a list of every event, project, or activity you would like to participate in, and then begin to prioritize which ones are doable and not overlapping.

Simple School

Coming out of the Thanksgiving turkey coma, we often realize that we only have a few weeks before the Christmas holiday break is upon us. From there we can quickly panic over the realization that the first semester of school is almost gone and only 30% of our are books complete.

// Take a deep breath. //

Although we can easily turn into the Grinch who steals Christmas joy by doubling our efforts to get school caught up, it’s critical to remember the many plans you outlined in #1 above.

During the holiday season, scale back on extensive reports, projects, and crafts. Focus in on the basics and remember that January and February are great months for playing catch-up.

Double Your Efforts

Looking through the list of activities and events you would like your family to participate in, check to see where you can double your efforts by implementing the topics of study for each child.

If you have baking to do, throw some fractions in with your fifth grader. If your little ones like science, explain the effects of yeast or baking soda. While shopping for the season, talk about budgets and money and challenge your youngsters in the store. Ask them to figure the best deal on a grocery item, look at the ounces, or calculate the final price on an item that is 30% off. With the many opportunities in the car, be sure to discuss the history of the season and the beauty of the gospel story.

// Homeschool moms know how to make it educational. //

Make Fond Memories

In our home, I make sure to plan special activities to create memories. With two girls grown and three younger kids in school, we rarely reminisce about homeschooling during the holidays. Instead, we often speak of attending the Nutcracker ballet, baking our special Christmas cookies, or visiting the local tree farm to choose a Christmas fir.

// Teaching our children the simplicity of life is often where joy is found. //

Prioritize the Gospel

Above all the noise of the holidays, remembering to focus on the One who was born into this world to bring life and light to us and our children will forever be the most important priority. This often gets put on the back shelf when the demands of gift wrapping, sending cards, and running out to get that last minute gift for the relative you forgot close in on us.

Spend a few minutes every day singing, discussing, and praying with your children, reminding them of the season, the reason, and the great hope that affords us the opportunity to celebrate!

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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