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The Day I Lost It

There will be days when you may also lose it, when that sweet-voiced, kind-hearted mom you want to be takes a hike and there is a frothing badger standing there in her place. It’s a mistake. There’s no doubt about it. She’s not supposed to be here. But all at...

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Living Color

Instead of emphasizing that our skin color is every bit a wonderful work of God as creation’s color, we leave gaps in our children’s understanding and ignorant and harmful opinions often fill those voids....

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All Prodigals Here

The work of the Spirit in the human heart is nothing we can format, predict, or schedule. The Spirit moves as He will (John 3:8). The new birth is God’s doing alone—we can’t do anything to force it on either ourselves or our children (John 1:13). Knowing that ought to...

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Reality sets in when that precious bundle is finally placed in our arms, and it is often so very different from our expectations. In fact, it may even be harder in many ways. But, as my fellow moms and I have discovered, reality is also much more delightful than we...

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