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Top Ten Car Survival Kit Needs


If you’ve ever used Google to find a list of essentials to keep in your car, you will quickly realize that these people do not have children. Spare fuses and a flashlight? Really? I need Cheerios to keep the little one quiet, and I need wet wipes to clean the snot off the four-year-old who keeps trying to wipe it onto his brother. A flashlight would only become another assault tool in the hands of my little ones.

So what makes my Top 10 when it comes to the best survival kit for moms in the car?

  1. Tissues and wet wipes. Buy in bulk.
  2. Plastic bags. Two words: dirty diaper. These bags can also be used before everyone gets out of the car to do a quick pickup.
  3. Blankets. These have multiple uses—not only can they keep a baby warm, but in the event a kid throws up, they can disrobe and drape themselves in a blanket until you can get home. Remember to place clothes in the plastic grocery store bag!
  4. Dry cereal. Teens will also eat this.
  5. Music. Family favorite music can be a lifesaver in bad traffic.
  6. Stash of books. Whether it’s picture books or school literature, a few properly placed books offer a great boredom buster.
  7. Air freshener. Car vent clips are a great way to keep the car smelling nice with all the in and out, sports equipment, diapers, food, and everything else that tends to creep and crawl in and out of your SUV or minivan.
  8. Phone charger. For when your kids kill your battery while playing Angry Birds.
  9. Car litter bag. This is not for your cat, but a small trash bag that hangs on the back of the front seat neck rests. This is great for keeping trash in one spot.
  10. Water bottles. We keep a case in the trunk at all times. Juices and sodas make a mess, water evaporates!

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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