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When Our Hearts Run Dry

Friends, when done correctly, making time for ourselves is not selfish. It is nourishing. It is you placing the oxygen mask on yourself before placing it on others. Not because you consider yourself more important, but because you know you cannot fully care for them unless you are healthy yourself....

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All Prodigals Here

The work of the Spirit in the human heart is nothing we can format, predict, or schedule. The Spirit moves as He will (John 3:8). The new birth is God’s doing alone—we can’t do anything to force it on either ourselves or our children (John 1:13). Knowing that ought to...

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Simplicity of the Gospel

The simplicity of the gospel is found here: I was nothing. I brought nothing into this relationship but the complete and absolute awareness that I had nothing to offer him. There was nothing attractive about me. I was not just under a death sentence; I was dead....

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When It All Stops Working

You don’t have rebellious teenagers or drug-addicted preteens because you didn’t do your job when they were preschoolers, and we won’t stand by and let anyone tell you that. No one, do you understand? Not a grandmother or a teacher or a pastor or a friend. We will take them...

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