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Science Phobia

The immensity of science points us to a God who is greater, and the pursuit of knowledge should encourage us, not intimidate us. We will find that the universe we live has been made amazing by an amazing Creator, who set the earth in motion around the sun....

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What Are Learning Styles?

Although we all take in information through our senses, we process this information differently. While every individual’s learning preference is unique, researchers in the fields of psychology and education have divided them into three main categories called learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic....

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Teaching Methods

One of the greatest benefits to homeschooling is the ability to teach your children in a way and at a pace that works best for them. There are as many ways to do this as there are homeschooling families, but many homeschoolers follow one of the following popular teaching methods:...

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easy dinners

Busy Days, Easy Dinners

Making the list, finding the deals, shopping, dragging groceries home, unloading, prepping, and then cooking can be exhausting. With the busyness of school starting, I try to keep my weekly dinner menu plans as quick and simple as possible....

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