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Energized Mom

energized mom
ORGANIZED UNDER: Encouragement

Being a mommy can be exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. And when our batteries run low, our families often gets the short end of the stick.

We know it’s important to stay energized. For most of us, though, the idea of being an energized mom feels a little far-fetched, doesn’t it? We just become convinced that tired mom is more the norm, and we try to push through, reminding ourselves that this is just a season and this too shall pass.

But the truth is that, even in this exhausting season, it is possible to find ways to energize ourselves as moms. We just have to be intentional about it.

Planning to Be An Energized Mom

Planning my days includes a schedule for school, errands, and dinner. And those are all critical parts of daily planning! But not until the last few years did I realize the importance of making sure my exercise and self care plan was on the agenda.

I know what you’re thinking. You have to be an energized mom in the first place before you can ever have the energy to exercise! I get that. Truly I do. But, I’ve learned that even a small amount of intentional activity, especially when I feel exhausted, can go a long way toward helping me feel better and more energetic.

Here are ten ideas to help you discover a way to work exercise into your routine so you can become an energized mom!

Make Room

In our home, we moved the coffee table and sofa in order to do floor exercises. It afforded a bit of weight lifting, and rarely did dust accumulate!

Energized Moms…Together

Exercising is a great opportunity to spend time together as a family. When our children were younger, we would ride bikes, workout to my exercise DVD, and swim together.

Fresh Air

There’s nothing like taking a break from the school books for some fresh air! Take a walk, explore the outdoors, and dive into great conversations with your kiddos.

The Energized Mom Challenge

Keeping up with our teens can prove a challenge, and that’s exactly why I do it! I work out twice a week with two of our teenage kids. The challenge is to keep up with them. I love hearing my son say, “You can do it mom!” and, “You got this!”

Pulling Double Duty

Did you know that for a 150 pound woman, vacuuming for an hour can burn 238 calories? Scrubbing floors by hand rigorously can burn as much as 280 calories. So, next time you’re out to clean house, do it with all your might and check both cleaning and exercise off your to-do list!

Energizing Indoor Activities

Try some of these indoor activities, whether at your home or at a facility:

– ice skating
– boxing
– rock climbing
– indoor swimming
– dance class
– trampoline gym
– plyometrics

– walking track
– cycling class
– roller skating
– bowling
– boot camp
– karate
– Pilates

Energized Mom of Littles

Babies and toddlers bring a joy to your exercise routine. Try a variety of curls, lifts, and even slow dancing to help with your energy levels and even that mommy tummy!

Thinking Outside the Box

One year I took up boxing! Thinking outside the box of traditional cardio workout, boxing doesn’t feel like work, but more like sport!

Date Night

With five kids under seven years old, sleep was often more vital for me than exercise. However, using date night for dancing or going for long walks was a great way to rejuvenate.

Schedule It So You’ll Do It!

Even knowing that exercise is important for me to have the energy and focus to care for my family along with teaching our children, it’s hard for me to prioritize. That’s why I have to actually put it on the schedule! If it’s scheduled, I’m more likely to do it!

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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