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The Climb

As homeschoolers, we want our children to do well. We hope that they will be smart, have a well-rounded education, get into good colleges, or find a career that they love. But in reaching that goal, let’s not let the destination become the main thing....

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Practicing Hope

Practice involved a frequency of conceptualizing, trying, failing, and sometimes succeeding. This is not a parallel or linear path traveled once, but more like an octagon I tried to draw as a teen, full of random lines trying to connect, going round and round....

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Reality sets in when that precious bundle is finally placed in our arms, and it is often so very different from our expectations. In fact, it may even be harder in many ways. But, as my fellow moms and I have discovered, reality is also much more delightful than we...

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What About Wizards?

What is the distinction between The Lord of the Rings (or Narnia), and Harry Potter? The Harry Potter series does have redeeming qualities. Harry is, in many ways, an admirable figure. He’s a nice kid. He values friendship and loyalty. And he struggles to defeat/thwart enemies who are clearly evil....

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