Birds of a feather often flock together. But if our children only spend time in community with people like them, then people who are different will be “others.”...
Continue readingBirds of a feather often flock together. But if our children only spend time in community with people like them, then people who are different will be “others.”...
Continue readingMaybe it’s not that parenting is more difficult, but rather, I worry more. Perhaps it’s worry that is the difficult part of parenting....
Continue readingIn today’s society we are told that success is based on graduating or accomplishing, but that’s simply the end of one journey. The real learning comes as we work hard to achieve the goal. ...
Continue readingIf we believe that God is capable of saving lost souls and converting the greatest of sinners, then we need to have faith that God is capable of working through our teens’ doubts...
Continue readingI truly thought you had The Talk, and that was it. Our offspring would express understanding, gravely thank us for sharing such deep truths with them from our profound store of wisdom, and there would be no need for more awkward questions or conversations. Little did I realize that it...
Continue readingWhile I do fully recognize the nourishment that comes from being with others who are like-minded, I cannot help but wonder if the increase in homeschool community interactions is causing a different socialization problem - one that could impact ourselves and our children as powerfully as a lack of socialization...
Continue readingInstead of emphasizing that our skin color is every bit a wonderful work of God as creation’s color, we leave gaps in our children’s understanding and ignorant and harmful opinions often fill those voids....
Continue readingWhat I witnessed in the lives of the people we met in Kenya was joy not based in possessions, contentment unhindered by want, faith freely expressed, and generosity graciously poured out....
Continue readingAs I re-read each Bible story, it becomes clear that these stories are the exceptions in life. It’s not an everyday occurrence to see the Red Sea parted, be hunted by a desperate king, to be sold into slavery by your brothers, or to become pregnant while remaining a virgin....
Continue readingIt encourages me, that if Jesus could set aside being God and take on a form of a servant, trusting God with the outcome, then I too need to set aside my own desires and goals and let God have His sovereign work....
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