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The Transition

Williamsburg Learning was built by homeschoolers, for homeschoolers. As we set out to design our curriculum we asked ourselves a simple question: what did we want as homeschoolers?

It is at that moment we recognized the transition. It’s something that all homeschool youth go through. We homeschoolers grow up in a blessed situation, with parents willing to sacrifice time and money and put in a lot of hard work to give us greater safety and a higher-quality education.

But at a certain point, we begin to crave what mom and dad can’t offer on their own. We appreciate what our parents have done for us, but we want to test ourselves in the so-called “real world.” We want outside teachers and mentors to challenge us. We want to see how we measure up with our peers.

This is completely natural; it is part of becoming a full-functioning adult. But all too often, parents react to this transition by default; they send their kids back to the local public school, a place often with less safety and poorer quality than what they might get at home.

An Alternative Option

It is this transition that Williamsburg Learning is designed to support, without taking students out of the home. Our students attend live classes, interacting with world-class mentors with expertise in their field. They do projects, hold discussions, and gain friendships with peers. All the while, our students consistently score well above the national average on ACT and SAT exams and are placed at some of the most competitive universities in the world.

Parents love the quality of the education. Jennifer T., a parent from Georgia, wrote in her review of Williamsburg Learning, “I have never seen my daughter more excited about learning than she has been while taking classes at Williamsburg. The mentors, projects, books, and assignments are inspiring.” Visit Williamsburg Learning Facebook page to see more reviews.

However, Williamsburg Learning is more than an online school, it’s a global community. Our students, and often our parents, travel with us on adventures all over the world. We’ve taken groups to Germany, Guatemala, and Nepal, and we do adventure camps right here in the U.S. Instead of the normal social experience of the public-school hallway, our students live adventures with each other, enriching their lives and perspectives as they go. They build deep friendships and interact with incredible people and guides, helping them truly reach their potential.

By recognizing and facing this transition head on, we’ve built a highly rated and award-winning program that helps young people transition into adults who live meaningful lives as principled leaders.

As a free gift to you, we’d like to offer our book The Three Core Principles of Mentoring Youth. Simply text “Mentor” to 877-321-9417 to get a digital copy.

Williamsburg Learning, along with its multiple school partners, empowers promising students and educators to live meaningful lives as principled leaders through world-class mentoring, curriculum, systems, and support. We seek to graduate tens of thousands of purpose-driven alumni who think wisely, live adventurously, and serve selflessly. Our online model creates freedom, flexibility, personalization, & safety for 1000s of families across the United States and the world.

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