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Why Moms Should Use a Planner

ORGANIZED UNDER: Future Marketing

Moms keep up with a great deal, making sure every member of the family coordinates well. Some moms are Type A planner addicts and love the idea that a planner is the best way to keep up with it all. Many are convinced, though, that planners are not their “thing.” That a calendar on the wall or sticky notes to jot info on or even a good memory provides plenty of time management. But planners are more than just fancy calendars or treasures for Type A moms. Planners are, actually, a very important part of successful motherhood.

4 Reasons Mom Should Use a Planner

Obviously, every mom has her own personality, so each one will approach planner usage differently. But, here are four reasons why it’s a good idea for moms to figure out their planner personality and actually use a planner.

Multiple Information for Multiple People

When it comes to moms, the information we maintain is not just about weekly appointments or quick information that can be slapped onto a calendar. It’s also about details. Moms are the managers of details for every member of the family. Notes jotted on the go or slapped onto a sticky note get lost or confused. Calendars hanging on the wall end up holding too much information. A planner, however, allows details to be jotted down in time-relevant locations, allowing Mom to process what is relevant to the current day and week, trusting that next month’s information is safely in its place.

Space Protection

In our culture, it’s incredibly easy to overcommit. The biggest reason for this is that it’s not just about appointments and scheduled commitments. It’s also about all of those little details. Moms who use planners can see not only the calendar commitments, but also the lists of tasks and needs that fill up each week. This makes it easier to see that, although there’s no commitment this Saturday, there is that list that includes helping a child switch out seasonal clothes, assembling pictures for the senior’s display board for the graduation reception, and making sure to get a crock pot meal assembled Saturday evening because Sunday morning commitments start early. Even when there’s nothing on the calendar, a planner helps protect space that is needed.

Setting the Example

Children need to learn time management. It is a vital life skill. And it is one that is best learned when exemplified in real life. That example is most easily set when Mom (and Dad!) have a tangible method by which they incorporate time management skills into their owns lives. There is no more visible time management method or tool than a planner. When children see their parents keep up with life by using a planner, they will naturally be inclined to do the same. This inclination will turn into a vital time management skill when they enter teen and young adult years.

Necessary Self Reminders

Let’s face it: in the process of taking care of everyone else, sometimes moms forget to take care of themselves. Planners allow moms to keep track of diligence in exercise, commitments to grow and challenge themselves, and opportunities for making sure their own spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health are on track. With a planner, moms can work out and hold themselves accountable to keep up with solid plans for keeping themselves healthy and nourished.

Planner usage is not just a personality thing. It’s a time management habit that leads to good boundaries, a healthy life, and effective parenting.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

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