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Time Management for the Busy Mom


It was around the tenth year of homeschooling, as my youngest child turned six, that the Lord orchestrated events in my life to start a magazine and a publishing company. Over the previous ten years, I had used my Well Planned Day, Family Homeschool Planner to schedule lesson planning, calendar, and dinner menu. But now, I had a task list that seemed to grow daily and didn’t relate to my homeschool responsibilities.

With unique needs for appointments, to-do lists, and errands to run, I set out to develop a planner that could slip into my purse, coordinate a busy schedule, and help with home management. But with an opportunity to custom design my planner needs, I added some unique features!

I decided to include pages to manage projects like a yard sale, church events, my daughter’s wedding, a move, or even a home remodel. I even added monthly budgeting.

The On the Go planner is the result of this busy mom’s need for a tool that could help me get dinner on the table, get to the dentist on time, and remember to pay bills or send a birthday card.

Will it Work for Me?

On the Go is a resource that works beautifully for me. But, will it work for you? Here are some questions other moms have asked as they have contemplated what planner is best suited to their needs. The answers might help you, too!


Question – I’m homeschooling; can I use the On the Go planner?

If you are homeschooling and your curriculum comes with lesson plans, the On the Go is the perfect companion to keep appointments, to-do lists, and home life managed and planned.

If you are homeschooling and need lesson planning, the On the Go would work if you had one student in preschool through 1st grade. Otherwise, the Family Homeschool Planner is better suited for lesson planning.


Question – Can the On the Go planner work with my students?

The On the Go does not have academic pages like our high schoolcollege and student planners. However, depending on your young adult daughter’s needs, On the Go is great for time management and daily tasks and may be the perfect fit for her.

Multiple Planners

Question – Should I buy both the Family Homeschool Planner and On the Go?

There are many moms, including most of the Well Planned Gal team, who love to use both planners. When I was homeschooling five kids, I used the Family Homeschool Planner to lesson plan and my On the Go to manage work, dinner menu, household projects, and church responsibilities. I took my On the Go with me while leaving my homeschool planner on the school table.

Real Needs, Real Products

As I close out my own homeschooling years, I am relying more and more heavily on my own On the Go. It helps me keep track of my full work load while still staying on top of a menu plan, appointments, and the needs of a busy family. Like with every other product I have had the delight to produce, On the Go was designed to fit real and practical needs. It is fun to know that, by creating a product that meets my own needs, I get to help so many other moms succeed in living a well planned life.

With five kids in their teen and early adult years, Rebecca shares the many ups and downs of parenting, homeschooling, and keeping it all together. As the Well Planned Gal she mentors women towards the goal of discovering the uniqueness Christ has created in them and their family and how to best organize and plan for the journey they will travel.

  • Helen Holcombe

    I wish there was a planner designed for the retired, older woman. With goals: to have fun, to aid in remembering, continue to develop spiritual goals and Scripture sections. To track friends, relatives, birthdays and anniversaries, special events, etc.

    March 9, 2021 at 5:46 pm Reply
    • Ann Hibbard

      That’s a great idea, Helen! Are you subscribed to our newsletter? We might have something coming soon that would work for you, so stay in touch!

      March 17, 2021 at 10:28 am Reply

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Organized & Productive Adult
Well Planned Day
Well Planned Day Planners

Record as you go or plan ahead, keep track of your homeschool progress and daily tasks the well planned way....